How do you say "es hora de comer" in english


Answer 1
Answer: It means “It is time to eat”
Answer 2
Answer: “It’s time to eat” is the answer

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Which choices correct the run-on sentence?

Select the two correct answers.

A. The hamster eats carrots in the morning because he runs on his wheel in the afternoon.

B. The hamster eats carrots in the morning and runs on his wheel in the afternoon.

C. The hamster eats carrots in the morning. He runs on his wheel in the afternoon.

D. The hamster eats carrots in the morning. Runs on his wheel in the afternoon.


B and C. When solving run-on sentences, either add a connective like and, or start a new sentence.


b and c


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i think the answer is a) behavioral theory but idk

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you got this. don’t doubt urself! it’s challenging towards everyone to learn a new language so your totally fine! put all your effort and dedication into it and you’ll get the hang of it as you go.

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Thank you!




I watch, guard, maintain, defend; retain, keep.