HELPPPP19. Fingers are _______________ to the palm.
a. Proximal
b. Ventral
c. Superficial
d. Distal
20.The umbilicus is ________________ to the trachea.
a. Medial
b. Lateral
c. Inferior
d. Superior


Answer 1


1.C 2. D


don't take my word for it

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they are called peyer's patches, aka aggregated lymphoid nodules. they monitor intestinal bacteria and prevent growth of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines. 

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Occupied Bed Making


How media affects our values and beliefs in a negative way


Media affects our values and beliefs in a negative way, because media feeds us bad information, making us think negatively. It effects our belief's because it tells us the wrong things on our belief and sometimes we fall for it and it hurts us, because we just think we are wrong and they are right, even though we are right, It hurts us mentally and physically, and takes it in a negative way, which effects us. So the best thing to do is ignore the media, and whatever they say, because at one point of your life, it will effect you. 

Hope I helped ya!! xD
Media affects our values and beliefs in a negative way, this is very accurate based on many studies. 

Peradventure a young man had his own beliefs and cultures, and signs up for a social media account. He slowly gets influenced on the celebrities and how they act. At first, he only watched the media and subscribed to their channels, later on, he started to ACT like them. 

This is an example, and it shows that many people can get influenced on just seeing video's and perhaps even a show. They could all effect how a person acts, as that person would see that everyone else seems to be doing that, and copies that act. 

Very dangerous, watch out people. 

In addition, getting on the media is not a bad thing, its just something that can turn severe if you do not watch out. 

Thank you for being part of the Brainly community! :)

Locus of control suggests that people either believe they control their own lives or believe their destinies are controlled by others or chance.


True.  This is apsychological belief that people control their lives or factors in theenvironment or society control it. Those believe they control their lives havea strong internal locus while those who believe life is determined by thefactors around them have strong external locus.

10) __________ disease is a progressive brain disorder that leads to a gradual and irreversible decline in cognitive abilities.a. Hodgkin's
b. Parkinson's
c. Alzheimer's
d. Diabetes


B. Parkinson's Disease. I did a project on PD and it's rather sad. But I do know that this answer is correct.

A diabetes educator is teaching a group of adults about the risks to vision that result from poorly controlled blood glucose levels. Which of the following pathophysiologic processes underlies the vision loss associated with diabetes mellitus?a) Increased blood glucose levels cause osmotic changes in the aqueous humour.b) Blood vessels supplying the retina become weak and bleeding occurs.c) Diabetes is associated with recurrent corneal infections and consequent scarring.d) Diabetes contributes to increased intraocular pressure.


Answer:b) Blood vessels supplying the retina become weak and bleeding occurs.


Diabetes milletus affects the blood vessels of the light sensitive cells of the retina. Thus the blood supply to retina stops. This leads to the loss of vision and blindness in adults. This is because of the uncontrolled blood sugar levels in case of diabetes milletus.