What scenes from the past does Scrooge visit??


Answer 1


Scrooge sees himself as a young boy lonely and weeping in a schoolroom; as an older boy whose sister has come fro him at boarding school; as a young man celebrating Christmas Eve with his employer; and as an older Scrooge whose fiancee is leaving him.


have a great day

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the answer is sun moon earth


I think its moon-earth-sun i'm pretty sure its this


The type of steel pipe thread used primarily in this industry is the tapared thread why


Tapered threads help make better seals, The male and female threads compress and wedge themselves together, as a result these connections are strong and leak resistant.  

Final answer:

Tapered threads are primarily used in the industry as they provide a secure, tight connection which is essential in many industrial applications. They increase the surface area contact, reducing the chances of leaks or disconnection under pressure. Plus, they offer pressure-tight sealing by crushing together when tightened.


The type of steel pipe thread used primarily in the industry is the tapered thread. This is because tapered threads are designed to create a more secure, tight connection which is critical in many industrial applications. When two tapered threads come together, they fit snugly into each other, increasing the contact surface area. As a result, the likelihood of leaks or disconnection under pressure significantly decreases.

Another advantage of tapered threads is their ability to provide robust mechanical joints. They are forgiving and more adjustable during assembly. Not only does this facilitate easier alignment, but it also enables the threads to offer additional pressure-tight sealing by crushing together when tightened.

Learn more about Tapered Threads here:



to work on time.?
go or going or goes



they go to work on time


going and goes would be incorrect

1"Are you ready to go, Melissa?" Mrs. Lewis asked.2"I just have to get my hat and glove," Melissa replied.

3"If we don’t leave now, you will be late for your game."

4"Okay, I’m going."

Which sentence varies the sentence pattern?

A. sentence 1
B. sentence 2
C. sentence 3
D. sentence 4





It explains someone is going to be late, which is why they need to leave now


if someone says they’re gonna be late believe them

The following is an excerpt from an autobiography written in the third person by Henry Adams, a prominent Bostonian.The chief charm of New England was harshness of contrasts and extremes of sensibility—a cold that froze the blood, and a heat that boiled it—so that the pleasure of hating—one's self if no better victim offered—was not its rarest amusement; but the charm was a true and natural child of the soil, not a cultivated weed of the ancients. The violence of the contrast was real and made the strongest motive of education. The double exterior nature gave life its relative values. Winter and summer, cold and heat, town and country, force and freedom, marked two modes of life and thought, balanced like lobes of the brain. (5)Town was winter confinement, school, rule, discipline; straight, gloomy streets, piled with six feet of snow in the middle; frosts that made the snow sing under wheels or runners; thaws when the streets became dangerous to cross; society of uncles, aunts, and cousins who expected children to behave themselves, and who were not always gratified; above all else, winter represented the desire to escape and go free. Town was restraint, law, unity. Country, only seven miles away, was liberty, diversity, outlawry, the endless delight of mere sense impressions given by nature for nothing, and breathed by boys without knowing it.

Boys are wild animals, rich in the treasures of sense, but the New England boy had a wider range of emotions than boys of more equable climates. He felt his nature crudely, as it was meant. (10)To the boy Henry Adams, summer was drunken. Among senses, smell was the strongest—smell of hot pine-woods and sweet-fern in the scorching summer noon; of new-mown hay; of ploughed earth; of box hedges; of peaches, lilacs, syringas1; of stables, barns, cow-yards; of salt water and low tide on the marshes; nothing came amiss. Next to smell came taste, and the children knew the taste of everything they saw or touched, from pennyroyal and flagroot2 to the shell of a pignut and the letters of a spelling-book—the taste of A-B, AB, suddenly revived on the boy's tongue sixty years afterwards. Light, line, and color as sensual pleasures, came later and were as crude as the rest. The New England light is glare, and the atmosphere harshens color. (15)The boy was a full man before he ever knew what was meant by atmosphere; his idea of pleasure in light was the blaze of a New England sun. His idea of color was a peony, with the dew of early morning on its petals. The intense blue of the sea, as he saw it a mile or two away, from the Quincy hills; the cumuli3 in a June afternoon sky; the strong reds and greens and purples of colored prints and children's picture-books, as the American colors then ran; these were ideals. The opposites or antipathies, were the cold grays of November evenings, and the thick, muddy thaws of Boston winter. With such standards, the Bostonian could not but develop a double nature. (20)Life was a double thing. After a January blizzard, the boy who could look with pleasure into the violent snow-glare of the cold white sunshine, with its intense light and shade, scarcely knew what was meant by tone. He could reach it only by education.

Winter and summer, then, were two hostile lives, and bred two separate natures. Winter was always the effort to live; summer was tropical license.

1Syringas are ornamental shrubs.
2Pennyroyal is a mint plant; flagroot is the root of a particular herb.
3Cumuli are thick clouds.

The excerpt is an autobiography, but Henry Adams chose to write it in third person. In a response of approximately 150 words, explain how Adams used this point of view to convey the relationship between nature and childhood discovery. Use evidence from the passage to support your analysis.



Adams wrote with a third-person point of view to express a panoramic and ubiquitous view of the effects of nature on his childhood.


Third-person narration allows the reader to have a panoramic view of the events being narrated. This allows the reader to have access to all aspects and elements that compose and influence the characters and the scenarios.

Because of this panoramic capacity, Adams decided to write his autobiography with third-person narration, which is unusual, since autobiographies are usually narrated in the first person. This allowed Adams to explain the transformations and influences of nature in his childhood in a more complete way, not only informing what this relationship caused in himself, but how the environment was shaped and modified simultaneously. We can see this, through the lines:

"To the boy Henry Adams, summer was drunken. Among senses, smell was the strongest—smell of hot pine-woods and sweet-fern in the scorching summer noon; of new-mown hay; of ploughed earth; of box hedges; of peaches, lilacs, syringas1; of stables, barns, cow-yards; of salt water and low tide on the marshes; nothing came amiss. Next to smell came taste, and the children knew the taste of everything they saw or touched, from pennyroyal and flagroot to the shell of a pignut and the letters of a spelling-book—the taste of A-B, AB, suddenly revived on the boy's tongue sixty years afterwards. "

Find the word or phrase in the sentences below that is incorrect. I look forward to hear from you soon.​


Hear should be hearing.
Answer: hear

Explanation: it’s supposed to be “hearing from you soon”