How does the Doppler effect explain the sound you hear when a race car comes toward and then passes a camera?


Answer 1

The pitch is higher as it approaches and then becomes lower the moment it passes.

Answer 2
Answer: when an object is moving the waves in front of it (sound, light, whatever) get compressed and the waves behind it are stretched apart. so in a race cars case, the compressed waves make a higher pitched noise and vice versa

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Wow ! I'm sweating just thinking about it.

The amount of work required is the additional potential energy

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Grab your hat, put on your sunscreen, and get busy.


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*olaf voice*


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b. 10 s.
c. 100 s.
d. 200 s.
e. more than 200 s.


(340,000 meters) / (340 meters/sec)  =  1,000 seconds

That's more than 200 sec.
first convert 340km into 340,000m, and 340000/340=1000. So the answer is e.