Smith knew that the invisible hand of the market was not concerned with the health of the laborer.
That’s right Answer:
Signed the selective service act requiring young men to serve in the military
-Selective Service Acts were U.S. federal laws that instituted conscription, or compulsory military service.
-The Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, created the country’s first peacetime draft. The act requires all male citizens between the ages of 26 and 35 to register for the military draft, beginning on October 16. The act had been passed by Congress 10 days earlier.
-America was not yet involved in the Second World War, but Roosevelt considered it a prudent step to train American men for military service in case the U.S. would have to defend itself against the growing threat of fascist and militarist regimes in Europe and Japan.