which of the following statements about the third parties is true? A.Third parties were important historically, but have little relevance today. B.third parties serve to weaken the two main political parties. C.third parties serve to strengthen the two main political parties. D. the republican party was once considered a third party.


Answer 1
Answer: D. The Republican Party Was Once Considered A Third Party

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Lawrence Kohlberg was an American psychologist born October 25, 1927 and is widely known for his theory of stages of moral development. According to my research on Kohlberg's studies, I can say that based on the information provided within the question the preconventional stage is based on obedience behavior. During this stage children judge an action based on its consequences and decide whether to obey or not.

I hope this answered your question. If you have any more questions feel free to ask away at Brainly.

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