Which description best fits the term prairie?A.
treeless with tall grasses that provide food and cover for animals

forested with small open glades that allow sunlight to penetrate

rocky with steep cliffs, narrow canyons, and fast-flowing rivers

sandy with little plant cover and an extreme range of temperatures


Answer 1
Answer: letter A. it has vegetation for animals to feed off of
Answer 2
Answer: The answer is A, which is the first choice

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37. There shall be one War Chief for each Nation and their duties shall be to carry messages fortheir Lords and to take up the arms of war in case of emergency.


It is also stated that the war chiefs will not participate in the Confederate Council, but will instead watch its progress receive and pass on warnings from people.

This is a citation from The Constitution of the Iroquois Nations: The Great Binding Law, Gayanashagowa. This Confederation consits of five indigenous North American nations (Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga and Seneca).

This document was transmitted orally through centuries, and dates back to the 14th Century. It is also known as the "Great Peace" between these nations.

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I'm pretty sure its A

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