An ice cube is placed in a plastic cup on the lab table. Students record the mass of the ice cube and the plastic cup as 5 grams. One hour later the ice cube completely melts, turning into liquid water. Then, the students record the mass of the water and the cup. What is the mass of the water and plastic cup?


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is still 5 grams because mass can not be changed or destroyed.
Answer 2

Final answer:

The mass of the system consisting of the ice cube and the plastic cup will remain 5 grams even after the ice completely melts. This is because of the Conservation of Mass principle, which states that mass is not lost during a phase change.


The principle operating in this scenario is called the Conservation of Mass. In this specific context, this principle means that the mass of an object or a system of objects will remain the same regardless of the changes it may undergo, as long as no mass enters or leaves the system. In the case of an ice cube melting, although the physical state (phase) of the water changes from solid (ice) to liquid (water), its mass does not change.

So when an ice cube that weighs 5 grams (along with the cup) melts, it turns into an equivalent mass of liquid water. That means even after the ice has completely melted into water, the mass of the water and the plastic cup will still be 5 grams.

This is because during the phase change, only the state of the matter is altered (from solid to liquid), not its mass. The water molecules in the ice rearrange themselves and move apart during melting allowing the ice to become liquid water, but the number of molecules and thus the mass stays the same.

Learn more about Conservation of Mass here:


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* The mixture is a type of homogeneous material, whose uniformity is found in any proportion of its constituent substances.

Colloid medium is a type of heterogeneous material, whose diversity is observed only by means of instruments for high resolution.

The suspensions are heterogeneous mixtures containing large and sometimes visible solutes not constituting a homogenous liquid.

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A solution mixture is a homogenous mixture of two or more substances where one substance has dissolved the other.  

A Colloid mixture is a homogenous mixture where the particles are small enough that they stay suspended. and are evenly distributed throughout another substance.

A Suspension mixture is a type of heterogeneous mixture where solid particles do not dissolve in a liquid solution

An example of a solution mixture  are salt water, rubbing alcohol, and sugar dissolved in water. When you look closely, upon mixing salt with water, you can't see the salt particles anymore, making this a homogeneous mixture

An example of a colloid mixture include whipped cream, mayonnaise, milk, butter, gelatin, jelly, muddy water, plaster, colored glass, and paper. Every colloid consists of two parts: colloidal particles and the dispersing medium

An example of a suspension  mixture is water and sand When mixed up, the sand will disperse throughout the water. If left alone, the sand will settle to the bottom.

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1. A pH meter, 2. Litmus paper/ pH test strips or 3. Titrations. 

1. A pH meter works by sending a small electric current through the solution. An electrical current can only be created if there are free-moving particles such as H+ ions from an acid or OH- ions from a base. The pH meter can determine the pH by how high the conductivity is. 

2. Litmus Paper or pH test strips are strips that turn a specific colour under a specific pH. This colour can then be compared to a colour chart which will tell you the pH. The downfall of this method is that the red ink will stain the strip and you will be unable to get an accurate reading. 

3. A titration is the best method, if done properly, for determining pH. 

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Pine trees, strawberry plants, and cacti are all plants. Name and describe three or morecharacteristics that you think scientists could use to separate these members of the Plant
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All plants present in the plant kingdom are separated by into smaller groups.The smaller groups contains plant species which are more similar to one another.

Some of the characteristics through which plant species can be separated are:

Gymnosperm or angiosperms: Pine are gymnosperm  plants whereas strawberry plants are angiosperms. Cactus is also a gymnosperm.

Their location: Plants can be separated based on their habitats. For example, Cactus are desert- plants whereas pine and strawberries are not desert plants.

They are seed- producing plants or spore producing plants: pine are spore producing plants. Strawberry are seed-producing plants.

Final answer:

Pine trees, strawberry plants, and cacti can be separated based on leaf structure, growth habit, and reproduction.


Scientists could use several characteristics to separate pine trees, strawberry plants, and cacti into smaller groups. Three possible characteristics include:

  1. Leaf structure: Pine trees have needle-like leaves, strawberry plants have broad, toothed leaves, and cacti have spines instead of leaves.
  2. Growth habit: Pine trees are tall, woody plants, strawberry plants are low-growing and produce runners, and cacti are succulent plants with thick stems.
  3. Reproduction: Pine trees reproduce through the production of cones, strawberry plants reproduce through the production of seeds in their fruit, and cacti reproduce through the production of offsets or pups.

Learn more about Characteristics used to separate plants here: