1. If a pea plant’s alleles for height are tt, what is true of its parents? (1 point) A.) Both Parents are tall. B.)Both parents are short. C.)Both parents contributed a recessive allele. D.)Both parents contributed a dominant allele. 2. A tall plant (TT) is crossed with a short plant (tt). If the tall F1 pea plants are allowed to self-pollinate, (1 point) A.)the offspring will be of medium height B.)all of the offspring will be tall C.)all of the offspring will be short. D.)the offspring can be tall or short


Answer 1
Answer: 1. The correct answer is C.

If a pea plant's alleles for height are tt, that means that the plant received a short (recessive) allele from each parent. While it's possible that either both parents are tall or both parents are short, we can't determine one way or the other with the information given (it's possible the parents are Tt or tt). 

2. The correct answer is D.

Since a tall plant crossed with a short plant, the ensuing tall plants will have Tt, meaning they will be able to pass on either the tall gene or the short gene. 
Answer 2

1. C) Both parents contributed a recessive allele

The offspring is homozygous for the recessive allele, which means it has two copies of it. Because each parent contributes one copy of the gene, this means that both parents contributed the recessive allele.

2. D) The offspring can be tall or short

The first cross between TT and tt will yield an F1 generation with the genotype Tt. When this generation is self-pollinated, the cross may result in the following genotypes:

TT, Tt, tt

Which means that the offspring can be tall or short.

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Lysosomes is to vacuole as cleaning is to





Both lysosomes are vacuoles are cell organelles. Lysosomes are the membrane-bound organelles filled with hydrolytic enzymes. The function of lysosomes is to digest the worn-out part of cells, pathogens, the biological molecules, etc. The presence of various digestive enzymes allows them to digest the worn-out cells, organelles and entered pathogens.

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They are used by the call for storage. Each has a different action, vacuole holds water while a lysosome usually handle the breakdown of cellular waste. 

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B. oxygen: carbon dioxide
C. carbon dioxide: hydrogen
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During cellular respiration, every living thing in this food web uses B. oxygen gas and releases carbon dioxide back into the environment.
Plants are the only living things that do quite the opposite. 
B. Oxygen; carbon dioxide. Animals breathe in oxygen and release carbon dioxide.

Which of the following is an example of a pioneer species?a. fungus
b. trees
c. shrubs
d. grass

Secondary succession can happen after primary succession or independently of primary succession.
a. True
b. False

Which of the following about secondary succession is not true?
a. It occurs in ecosystems without soil.
b. It occurs in ecosystems that are already established.
c. It reduces the number of species in an ecosystem.
d. It is ...


1. Answer;



-A pioneer species is one which is the first to colonize an area, which can be seen with fungus in the way that spores are quickly spread across large areas.

-Pioneer species are usually lichens and mosses, which can grow on bare rocks. As they grow, the lichens and mosses help break up the rocks to form soil. When these organisms die, they provide nutrients that enrich the developing soil. Over time, seeds of plants land in the new soil and begin to grow.

2. Answer;

The statement above is true


-Secondary succession can happen after primary succession or independently of primary succession.

-Secondary succession is the series of community changes which take place on a previously colonized, but disturbed or damaged habitat. Examples include areas which have been cleared of existing vegetation by forest fire, tsunami, flood, or an abandoned field.

-Secondary succession may occur independently, but the stages of secondary succession are similar to those of primary succession; however, primary succession always begins on a barren surface, whereas secondary succession begins in environments that already possess soil.

3. Answer;

A. It occurs in ecosystems without soil.


-Secondary succession refers to the process that happens after a disruptive event, reducing the population of species in an ecosystem. As opposed to primary succession that occurs in an ecosystem lacking soil, secondary succession happens on preexisting soil.

-Primary succession occurs following an opening of a pristine habitat, for example, a lava flow, an area left from retreated glacier, or abandoned strip mine. In contrast, secondary succession is a response to a disturbance, for example, forest fire, tsunami, flood, or an abandoned field.

Grass is an example of a pioneer species, so option d is correct. The second statement is True. Secondary succession can happen after primary succession or independently of primary succession. Secondary succession reduces the number of species in an ecosystem thus the answer is (C).

Hardy species called pioneer species are the first to establish themselves in once-biodiverse steady-state ecosystems. Lichens, fungi, bacteria, fireweed, grasses, alder, and willow are examples of pioneer species.

In primary succession, living organisms first occupy newly exposed or newly created rock. In secondary succession, a previously inhabited area is disturbed, disrupted, and then recolonized as a result of the disturbance.

In third question, among all the given options only option (c), "it reduces the number of species in an ecosystem" is not true.

Before secondary succession starts, a variety of species will already be present in the ecosystem and new complex plants and animals move in as the ecosystem develops, bringing with them new species. so it will increase the number of species in an ecosystem.

Therefore, in question 1st, option d is right, in question 2nd, the given statement is true, and in 3rd, option c is right.

Learn more about pioneer species here;



The complete part of 3rd question is:

Which of the following about secondary succession is not true?

A) It occurs in ecosystems without soil.

B) It occurs in ecosystems that are already established.

C) It reduces the number of species in an ecosystem.

D) It is initiated by a disruptive event.

What are the errors in the table? Check all that apply.ER should be in both animal and plant cells.

Golgi body should be in animal cells only.

Lysosomes should be in animal cells only.

Nucleus should be in plant cells only.

Ribosomes should be in plant cells only.

Vacuoles should be in both animal and plant cells.



ER should be in both animal and plant cells.

Vacuoles should be in both animal and plant cells.


Just believe in me


ER is found in both animals and plants


the endoplasmic reticulum is found in both cells of animals and plants

What led to scientists accepting Mendel's ideas?



Gregor Mendel was the first biologist who applied the principles of mathematics to study the pattern of inheritance in Biology. This led to the criticism and not an acceptance of his work at his time but after his death, his work was widely recognised as:

1. Mendel's work provided each and every detail of the experiment from species to a number of offsprings and traits.

2. His experiments included a large sample size which reduced the chances of error in his results.

3. He studied the pattern of inheritance for distinguishing traits.

4. His ideas and explanation on experiments were logical which were supported by the scientists later.

These logical ideas later helped recognize his work and he became the Father of Genetics.


Scientist accepted Mendel's ideas because they discovered chromosomes and DNA.

Have A Good Day :)