The focus is the point underground where Rock layers first move during an earthquake true or false


Answer 1
Answer: I think the answer is true.

Answer 2
Answer: True, because the point above ground is called the epicenter. The definition of Epicenter is the exact point below 

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To prepare for the cross-country meet, a skier decides to significantly increase the amount of carbohydrates in his diet (a technique also known as carbohydrate loading). Why might this be beneficial to the cross-country skier? Check all that apply. Carbohydrates are used to build actin filaments in the myofibrils, which increases muscle bulk and performance. The liver can store copious amounts of ingested carbohydrates as glycogen, which can then be slowly broken down to release the glucose needed to fuel aerobic respiration. As long as oxygen is present, the glucose stored in the ingested carbohydrates can provide a steady stream of ATP, thus meeting the demands of prolonged periods of exercise. Eating more carbohydrates leads to more glycogen stores in muscles, which then equates to larger energy stores for short, explosive bouts of energy use.



The glucose is the primary source of energy, which yields ATP in the presence of oxygen. The continuous intake of carbohydrates provide streamlined flow ATP that is meeting the demands of prolonged exercises.


Carbohydrate loading is defined as the increase in the intake of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are stored in the form of glycogen, which is then broken down to yield glucose. Glucose is necessary to drive the vital functions of the body, such as respiration.

An athlete performing extensive exercise requires streamflow of ATP to fulfill the energy demands of the body. The metabolism of glucose provides ATP. The carbohydrates are the rich source of glucose, which in the substrate level undergoes oxidative phosphorylation and citric acid cycle. Oxygen plays a primary role in the breakdown of carbohydrates as glucose. It plays a crucial role in accepting electrons in the electron transport chain to synthesize ATP.

Thus, the continuous supply of oxygen is necessary for the metabolism of macromolecules. ATP in a higher amount is required by athletes to improve muscle performance. Thus, the stored glucose and continuous supply of oxygen are necessary to generate energy molecules.

For Further Reference:

What is a skeletal muscle


You can go to google


A muscle which is connected to the skeletal to move are body is know as skeletal muscle

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i did the assignment

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What is symbiosis and what are 3 categories of it?



Symbiosis is any type of a close and long-term biological interaction between two different biological organisms, be it mutualistic, commensalistic, or parasitic. The organisms, each termed a symbiont, may be of the same or of different species. 


  • Mutualism: both partners benefit. ...

  • Commensalism: only one species benefits while the other is neither helped nor harmed. ...

  • Parasitism: One organism (the parasite) gains, while the other (the host) suffers.

Symbiosis is the interaction between 2 different organisms living in close physical association

Which part of the eye helps focus light rays on the retina?A.lensB.pupilC.scleraD.iris


Lens focuses light rays on the retina.

Further Explanation:

The eye is the sensory organ of the organism that allows it to see the object.

The eye consist of various part:

1. Sclera-Outer covering of the eyeball is tough and has white layer called as sclera

2. Cornea-The light enters the eye through it. It is the curved layer in front of iris and pupil.

3. Pupil-It controls the amount of light entering into the eye

4. Iris-it surrounds the pupil and regulates the amount of light passing into the eyes.

5. Lens-It sits behind the iris. It focusses light onto the retina.

6. Retina-It comprises of photoreceptors and blood vessel that nourishes the former. The two main types of photoreceptor:  

a. Rods: It is responsible for night vision and are more sensitive to light.

b. Cones: It is responsible for color vision.

The eyeball is basically divided into two regions which are filled by the fluid. The two type of fluid found are

1. Aqueous humor: Is present across the space separating cornea and the lens.

2. Vitreous humor: Is present across the space separating the lens and the retina.

Learn more:

1. Learn more about heart

2. Learn more about blood

3. Learn more about bloodstream

Answer detail:

Grade detail: Middle school

Subject: Biology

Chapter: The sensory organ


Retina, sensory organ, eye, sclera, cornea, pupil, lens, rods, cones, aqueous humor, vitreous humor, light rays.

Final answer:

In the eye, it is the lens that focuses light rays onto the retina. The pupil, sclera, and iris have other functions relating to vision but do not focus light.


The part of the eye that helps focus light rays on the retina is the lens. The lens is situated behind the pupil and is responsible for directing and concentrating light onto the retina. This is how we are able to see the world clearly. Without the lens, images would not be focused properly on the retina, resulting in blurry vision. Thepupil,sclera, and iris play important roles in eye function, but they are not directly involved in the focusing of light rays onto the retina.

Learn more about Eye anatomy here:


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