Which compound listed below has the largest molar mass?Ca(OH)2


Answer 1

Answer: the answer would be CaCI2

Explanation: this was one of my exam questions i got right. :)

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The Due Process Clause guarantees thata.
the National Government will not interfere with constitutional rights.
States are not bound by their State constitutions in matters of individual rights.
States will not deny people any basic or essential liberties.
State governments will police the National Government.


The answer is (A), it was put into place because the government was not being equal with everyone's rights.

Final answer:

The Due Process Clause, located in the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution, ensures that a person's basic or essential liberties cannot be infringed upon without proper legal procedures and protections. It does not primarily concern with the non-interference of the National Government or the state governments policing the National Government. Individual rights are indeed protected under both State and U.S. Constitutions.


The Due Process Clause is a provision found in both the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution. In essence, it ensures that a person cannot be deprived of life, liberty, or property without appropriate legal procedures and protections. From the options you provided, the most accurate is that the Due Process Clause guarantees that 'States will not deny people any basic or essential liberties' (option c). This clause aims to ensure that laws are clear and fair, and that citizens have a fair opportunity to understand them.

As an example, it requires that individuals are given notice when they face legal jeopardy, the right to a fair hearing, and a decision made by a neutral decision-maker. These are all principles embedded within the concept of due process, which indeed ensures our basic and essential liberties are not violated.

Therefore, it does not primarily guarantee non-interference of the National Government with constitutional rights (option a), or that State governments will police the National Government (option d). As for option b, it's not accurate at all. Individual rights are protected by both State and U.S. Constitutions under the principles of due process.

Learn more about Due Process Clause here:



i feel twitchy and not able to focus without my good friend (dylan) around, help? i dont like him like that, plus im already with someone, uhhh i cant explain this; helpp


Well maybe you do like him like that. Sometimes when your used to something and it changes bodies are not ready for change, talk to him about this

The "skin" of the statue of liberty is made of iron. true false


False. It's copper.


Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas.


Carbon monoxide is genuinely a poisonous gas. It isn't very detectable since it is achromic, inodorous, insipid, plus non-exasperating so it isn't detectable.
So the answer to your question is YES.
Yes it is, because it binds irreversibly to the heamoglobin in the blood, which prevents it from transporting oxygen

The churning air in the troposphere helps determine the of a place


The answer is the climate of a place. The troposphere is the lowermost level of Earth's air, and is likewise where closely all weather and climate situations happen. It covers about 75% of the air's mass and 99% of the total form of water vapor and aerosols.

Final answer:

The movement of air in the troposphere, the layer of the atmosphere closest to the Earth, is key to determining a place's climate. This is shaped by variations in temperature and humidity, influenced by factors such as terrain and the presence of water sources among others. Atmospheric gases like ozone also play a protective role, contributing to Earth's habitability.


The churning air in the troposphere plays a crucial role in determining the climate of a place. The troposphere is the layer of the atmosphere closest to the Earth's surface, where weather patterns occur. The air in the troposphere is in constant motion due to the heating and cooling of the Earth's surface, leading to variations in temperature and humidity, giving rise to different climates and weather patterns. For instance, astronomers find that atmospheric blurring or turbulence is minimal in places where air has flowed over long distances over water, such as coastal mountain ranges and isolated volcanic peaks in the ocean, indicating stable, clear climates.

Additionally, different gases such as O3 (ozone) in the upper layers of the atmosphere, including the stratosphere, absorb harmful UV radiation, protecting the Earth and contributing to our planet's habitability. Disruptions in ozone concentrations due to human activities can influence the temperature trends in the troposphere, affecting weather patterns and ultimately, the climate of different areas.

Learn more about troposphere here:

