Many early civilizations developed near what type of geographic feature?


Answer 1


the first civilizations appeared in major river valleys where flood Plains contains reach soil and the rivers provided irrigation for crops and means of C transportation

Answer 2



The first civilizations appeared in major river valleys, where floodplains contained rich soil and the rivers provided irrigation for crops and a means of transportation.

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The Land Ordinance of 1785 first divided land into A.states B.territories C.colonies D.townships.


Correct answer choice is :

D) Townships


The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 was legislated by the U.S. government under the Articles of Confederation to build the Northwest Territory out of land obtained by Great Britain. It was significant because it built the model by which new states could become part of the union.

The Land Ordinance of 1785 first divided land into D. townships.

How did the Land Ordinance of 1785 divide land?

The Land Ordinance of 1785 was a significant legislation that played a pivotal role in the settlement of the newly formed United States. This ordinance, enacted by the Continental Congress established a systematic method of dividing and selling land in the western territories.

The primary unit of division was the township which typically consisted of 36 sections, each measuring one square mile. This division facilitated the efficient distribution and sale of land, promoting westward expansion, and encouraging settlement in the expanding frontier regions of the United States.

Read more about Land Ordinance of 1785


How did allies hide from Germans D-day invasion plan?


They really didn't hide it just kept it a secret, the Germans did know an invasion plan was at work just didn't know when or where it was going to happen. So they were ready on the beaches and planted land mines on the ground just in case, so if we came some soldiers would get blown up. The Nazi's were trying as hard as possible to get the info but it was to late by the time they got the news we had already taken over the french beach that they had doubt that was the beach we were going to land on.
Allies strategy was to convince axis that the invasion will take place in Pas de Calais. General Patton was commanding First United States Army Group - a fake army which was located on the other end of  La Manche channel than Pas de Calais. Even after landing in Normandy Germans left toops in Calais, thinking that D Day landing is just a deception.
It is known as Operation Quicksilver, part of Operation Fortitude.

The Zulu War of 1879 was an unsuccessful attempt by the Zulu nation to avoid being conquered and controlled by the?





The Zulu War of 1879 was an unsuccessful attempt by the Zulu nation to avoid being conquered and controlled by the The Zulu War of 1879 was an unsuccessful attempt by the Zulu nation to avoid being conquered and controlled by the Britain.

Which pronoun best completes the sentence? How is the pronoun used?

Send Gus and __________ the details in an email.

I; indirect object

me; indirect object

me; direct object

I; direct object


I; direct object... Pretty sure.....

Which of the following describes a major weakness of Britain's military?They had a weak navy.
Their men were poorly trained.
Many generals had been appointed because they had wealthy and power friends in the government.
Their weapons were superior compared to the weapons of the Americans.


Hi , the answer is the second one , their men were poorly trained .

I believe the answer is Many generals had been appointed because they had wealthy and power friends in the government.

The period from 1865 to 1900, known as the Gilded Age, was marked by?


The period from 1865 to 1900, known as the Gilded Age, was marked by the perception of great wealth and social growth, while actually being a time of great social issues that were hidden by a "gold gilding". 

Final answer:

The Gilded Age (1865 to 1900) in US history was marked by rapid economic growth, notably in the Northern and Western parts. However, concurrently, this era was shadowed by political corruption, massive disparity in wealth, and social issues.


The period from 1865 to 1900, also referred to as the Gilded Age, was a significant era in the United States characterized by rapid economic growth, particularly in the North and West. This period observed America's industrial economy expanding and emerging as a global power, led by tycoons and industrialists such as Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Vanderbilt. This era was also marked by political corruption, income inequality, and social issues, justifying the term 'gilded,' meaning having a golden exterior but made of cheaper material beneath. The name 'Gilded Age' came from the title of an 1873 novel by Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner, which satirizes the greed and political corruption of the period.

Learn more about Gilded Age here:
