b. Grant's peace policy
Grant's Peace Policy
Sustainable development is development that meets the world's current needs while making sure that resources will be available to meet future needs.
Sustainable development is a comprehensive approach that emphasizes meeting the world's current needs without compromising future generations' ability to do the same. It combines economic growth, environmental conservation, and social equity. It's promoted by international organizations as a solution to global challenges like poverty and environmental degradation.
The statement that best describes sustainable development is 'Sustainable development is development that meets the world's current needs while making sure that resources will be available to meet future needs.' This concept involves a delicate balance of economic progress, environmental protection, and social equity. Rather than focusing solely on the wealth increase of Less Developed Countries (LDCs) or More Developed Countries (MDCs), sustainable development seeks to address the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Efforts to achieve sustainable development include improving the efficiency of resource use, minimizing waste, and ensuring that physical and human capital is replenished for future use. This process often involves innovative technologies, regulatory intervention, and adjustments in production practices. Organizations like the UN and the EU, as well as many individual governments, actively promote sustainable development as a means of resolving global issues such as poverty and environmental degradation.
This approach differs greatly from traditional development, which often prioritizes economic growth over sustainability. While economic advancement is important, sustainable development emphasizes that such progress should not come at the expense of the environment or future generations. Therefore, sustainable development is far more than just an economic strategy; it's a comprehensive approach to improving society while maintaining the health of our planet.
B. it allowed the doctrine of popular sovereignty to be overridden once statehood was achieved.
C. its adoption might provoke Kentucky to leave the Union.
D. he felt bound by President Buchanan's earlier rejection of it.
b. slowed the growth of universities.
c. caused division among religious groups. led
d. to less religious tolerance.
The correct answer is C. A significant effect of the First Great Awakening was that it caused division among religious groups.
The First Great Awakening was a movement of Christian revitalization that spread through Protestant Europe and the American colonies in the 1730s and 1740s, leaving a permanent impact on American religion.
Christianity was carried to African slaves and it was a monumental event in New England that challenged established authority. It incited resentment and division among the old traditionalists, who insisted on the importance of continuing the ritual and doctrine, and the new drivers of rebirth, which encouraged emotional involvement and personal commitment. It had an important impact on the remodeling of the Congregational Church, the Presbyterian Church, the Dutch Reformed Church and the reformed German church and the strengthening of the Baptist and Methodist denominations. It had little impact between the Anglicans and Quakers.
c. Buddhists and Hindus
b. Muslims and Hindus
d. Sikhs and Muslims
the british separated the two so
A.reduction of exports to Asian nations
B.restoration of a plantation economy in the South
C.formation of alliances with other nations
D.rise of United States imperialism