peers are influencing what drea thinks of as normal behavior
the goal with relative strength is to increase your lifts without increasing your muscle mass.
The knee hug
Child’s Pose
Kneeling hip flex or stretch
Standing quad stretch
Seated hamstring stretch
Toe touch
The wall push
Downward Dog
Ankle mobility heel lifts
Seated twist
Answer: B. Herbal tea
Explanation: The explanatory variable in this experiment is the herbal tea
Muscle tone.
Muscle tone is the resting state, or the state of slight contraction, of the muscles that assists in body posture for each movement. If it is in a state of complete relaxation, the muscle takes longer to start contracting and to begin movement. In addition, tone decreases during sleep due to relaxation, but develops again upon awakening. Muscle tone represents the term meaning a continuous slight or partial contraction of a muscle that keeps it healthy and ready to respond.
Thus, it is triggered by nerve stimuli, being an unconscious process that keeps the muscles alert to take action. Without muscle tone our muscles would be at full rest (hypotonus), a condition that hinders their immediate movement. On the other hand, hypertonia consists of an abnormal increase in muscle tone.