A monopoly has "one" seller, but perfect competition has "many" sellers.
"Monopoly" has been gotten from the two Greek words 'Monos' and 'Polus' implies single seller.'Monos' means single and 'Polus' implies sellers, so the word "Monopoly" implies single seller. Monopoly is a market structure in which there is a single firm creating all the yield and there is no nearby substitute of item sold by the monopolist.
As against monopoly market, a perfect competition has expansive number of sellers. Under perfect competition just a solitary item is sold. This implies every one of the sellers sell a similar kind of item to purchasers.
It describes foreing-born farmers as more prosperous than native-born farmers.
The increased prosperity is explained by industriousness, because the farmers are described as having large farms that are complex to manage, by strategic in-group marriages, because the foreign farmers marry their daughters to people of the same ethnic background, who own property and have a good financial position, and financial stability, because the foreign farmers no not default on their debts.
B, They are more well-off than the town women’s children.
The Alarm Stage.
General Adaptation Syndrome is the different stages of stress developed by Hans Selye, a researcher.
The stages of stress, according to GAS are:
In the Alarm Stage of GAS, when faced with stressful situations, the body reacts as in "fight-or-flight" response. In this stage, an alarm signal is sent to the body by the brain, giving them warning of the dangerous situation. In this stage, a person facing a dangerous situation, while having faster heart-beat rate. This leads to a reduction in immune system functioning.