The reform school was a product created byA) The New Deal
B) the child savers movement.
C) the Juvenile Court Act of 1880
D) Supreme Court decision making.


Answer 1


B. The child savers movement.


The child-savers movement was born during the nineteenth century, composed mainly by philanthropists, women, and non-profitable organizations, with the goal of helping troubled children and youth that had suffer abuse, exploitation, abandonment, lack of education and poverty. The child-savers movement created reform schools for juvenile delinquents as well as playgrounds, juvenile courts, kindergartens, and regulated child labor, and mother's pensions.

Answer 2
Answer: (B)The child savers movement........

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The correct answer in the space provided is George Washington. It is because having to be able to gain his support is considered to be important to Virginia in means of having to be able to ratify the constitution. George Washington is known to be an American statesman and also a soldier who is best known as the first president that served the United States.

Thank you for the help !!



you are  good


After taking power, one action that Napoleon refused to take was to


He refused to be commander of the Paris garrison.  It was an offered to him by Robespierre but he decline the offer because he felt there was danger to accepting it. Rather he took a secret mission to Genoa and when he came back, Robespierre was eliminated and he was arrested but released on the grounds of lack of evidence. 


D) give women the right to vote.


Ancient rock paintings have been found in _____.a. Spain and Russia
b. France and Turkey
c. Spain and France
d. India and China


Ancient rock paintings have been found in "Spain and France," with the most famous ones being found in France due to the migration patterns of many early humans. 

Final answer:

Ancient rock paintings have been discovered in numerous locations globally, with notable examples in Spain's Cave of Altamira and France's Lascaux Cave.


The answer to the question 'Ancient rock paintings have been found in Spain and France. Ancient rock paintings have been discovered in numerous locations around the world, but some of the most famous ones have been found in these two countries. In Spain, the Cave of Altamira hosts renowned Upper Paleolithic cave paintings featuring charcoal drawings and polychrome paintings of contemporary local fauna and human hands. Likewise, in France, the Lascaux Cave is celebrated for its outstanding Paleolithic cave paintings, which are estimated to be over 17,000 years old.

Learn more about Ancient Rock Paintings


Why is "who can participate" the most important classification?



What does this mean?

do you believe the delegates were justified in creating new rules for the ratification of the proposed constitution?


Their fears can be called justified because creating an huge country with one law and constitution applying to all is rather difficult. They were concerned that the constitution would not be made to suit everyone and that the branches of government could easily become tyrannical, and out of this fear they demanded more and more rules for the ratification.