C: gerund
The verbal phrase 'Watching the lionness care for her cubs' has a gerund (Watching) functioning as a noun. The verbal phrases can be used as other parts of the speech: nouns, adverbs or adjectives. In this case the gerund corresponds to a noun, which is also part of the subject of thesentence : "Watching the lioness care for her cubs".
unreliable source
serious source
primary source
answer : primary source
he answer is no
In face-to-face communication it is transcendental to choose words politely, so that they do not make reality worse. Most confrontational messages are affirmations of the type you did, and only tend to increase conflict. In other words, the messages of "you" blame, shame, accuse, threaten, rule, denigrate ... The messages of "you" tend to evoke resentment, hatred and revenge.
What is decisive in all face-to-face interaction, then, is the constancy in defining ourselves by positioning ourselves in relation to the concrete situation in which we find ourselves immersed in everyday life.
b. present
c. future perfect
d. future
b. lying on its side.
c. sternally, with its forelegs off the table.
d. standing up.
Answer: c. sternally, with its forelegs off the table.
Explanation: Jugular venipuncture, like cephalic venipuncture, positions
the dog on its sternum at the table’s edge with its forelegs
extending off the table