Suppose a laboratory has a 31 g sample of polonium-210. The half-life of polonium-210 is about 138 days. How many half-lives of polonium-210 occur in 966 days? How much polonium is in the sample 966 days later?


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is a) 7 half-lives and b) 0.78% (or as fraction 1/128) of the starting amount.

a) If half-life of Polonium-210 is 138 days, to calculate how many half-lives occur in 966 days, we will simply divide them: 966/138 = 7
So, 7 half-lives occur in 966 days.

b) To calculate the remaining amount, we will use the formula:
(1/2)^(n) =x
where n is the  number of half-lives, and x is the remaining amount in decimals, and (1/2) is half-life.

We've already found that n = 7, so replace it in the formula:
(1/2)^(7) =0.0078 = 0.78% = 1/128
Answer 2

Answer : The amount of polonium in the sample 966 days later is, 0.24 g

Solution :

Polonium-210 is a radioactive element.

Formula used :

N(t)=N_o* ((1)/(2))^{(t)/(t_(1/2))


N(t) = the amount of polonium-210 remaining after 't' days

N_o = the initial amount of polonium-210 = 31 g

t = time = 966 days

t_(1/2) = half-life of the polonium-210 = 138 days

Now put all the given values in the above formula, we get

N(t)=(31g)* ((1)/(2))^{(966)/(138)}


Therefore, the amount of polonium in the sample 966 days later is, 0.24 g

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Bond the following atoms. Determine if they are ionic or covalent, circle your choice. Show the valence electrons and how they are either shared between the atoms or how they are transferred between atoms. Then write the chemical formula in the space provided.Ionic or covalent

C Cl

Formula ____________ Ionic or covalent

Mg Cl

Formula _____________


C Cl is a covalently bonded compound with the formula CCl₄. MgCl is an ionic compound with the formula MgCl₂.

What is meant by chemical bonding?

The formation of a chemical bond between two or more atoms, ions or molecules to form a chemicalcompound is known as chemical bonding. The chemical bonding makes sure the atoms are together in the resulting compound.

Chemical bonding is made possible by an attractive force resulting from the overall loss of energy in the resultant molecule compared to its constituents.

Chemical compounds depend on chemical bonding for their stability. There are various kinds of chemical bonds formed. Covalent bonds and ionic bonds are 2 of the most commonly known chemical bonds.

Covalentbonds are formed by the sharing of electrons and an ionicbond is formed by the electrostatic force of attraction between the atoms.

Therefore, in the given examples, C Cl is a covalently bonded compound with the formula CCl₄. MgCl is an ionic compound with the formula MgCl₂.

Read more about chemicalbonds, here


The bond of the following atoms in C-Cl and Mg-Cl is polar covalent bond in C-Cl  and  Mg-Cl ionic bond.

What is  polar covalent and ionic bond?

Polar covalent bonds are created between two non-metal atoms or molecules  that do consist of different  electronegativity. and the electronegativity difference that is not equal to zero and the shared pair of electrons forming a bond between will always be towards the high electronegative atom.

An ionic bond the  complete sharing or the  electron transfer. Ionic bonds basically form or created when the difference in the electronegativity of the two atoms is great or more as compare to   covalent bonds form when the electronegativity is same.

Therefore,  bond of the following atoms in C-Cl and Mg-Cl is polar covalent bond in C-Cl  and  Mg-Cl ionic bond.

Learn more about polar covalent and ionic bond, here:


Can the absolute energy states of the reactants (E1) and products (E2) be measured in a chemical reaction?


no it can not the absolute energy states of the reactants (E1) and products (E2) be measured in a chemical reaction
hope it helps


No we cannot measure absolute energy states.


The absolute energy state means the internal energy of any molecule, either reactant or product. We cannot measure the internal energy of any reactant or product as internal energy or absolute energy is sum of all kind of energy including kinetic energy, vibration energy etc.

However we can measure the changes in these energy during any chemical process.

Supply the volume of insoluble substance from the displaced liquid Displaced liquid: 274 ml

Volume: ? L


1 L ----------- 1000 mL
? ------------- 274 mL

L = 274 * 1 / 1000

= 0.274 L

hope this helps!

Use the mole concept to calculate the number of atoms that are in a 1.75-mol sample of CHCl3.


This is how I got to that answer. Since we don't know how many atoms there are in a mole, we use the number 6.02 x 10^-23. Now, just plug in what you have in the equation: 

1.75 moles ChCl3 x (6.02 x 10 ^-23) / 1 mole = 1.0535 x 10^-22 atoms. 

Explain a condensation and a hydrolysis reaction.




Condensation Reaction:

A condensation reaction, also known as a dehydration synthesis reaction, is a chemical process in which two molecules combine to form a larger molecule, while a smaller molecule, such as water, is produced as a byproduct. In a condensation reaction, two functional groups, often one containing an -OH group (hydroxyl group) and the other containing an -H group (hydrogen atom), react with each other.

The reaction typically involves the removal of a water molecule (-H2O) to form a covalent bond between the two molecules. This process is commonly seen in the formation of complex organic molecules, such as the synthesis of proteins and the formation of carbohydrates like disaccharides. For example, in the formation of a disaccharide like sucrose (table sugar), a condensation reaction combines a glucose molecule with a fructose molecule, and a water molecule is eliminated in the process.

Hydrolysis Reaction:

A hydrolysis reaction is the reverse of a condensation reaction. In a hydrolysis reaction, a covalent bond in a large molecule is broken by the addition of a water molecule. This process results in the breakdown of the larger molecule into two or more smaller molecules. In essence, the water molecule is used to cleave the bond between the two subunits of the larger molecule.

Hydrolysis reactions are common in the digestion of complex molecules in living organisms. For example, when you eat carbohydrates (like starch) or proteins, the body uses hydrolysis reactions to break down these complex molecules into their constituent monomers (glucose for carbohydrates and amino acids for proteins). Enzymes in the digestive system facilitate hydrolysis reactions, making these large molecules more easily absorbed and utilized by the body.

In summary, a condensation reaction joins molecules together by removing a water molecule, while a hydrolysis reaction breaks down molecules by adding a water molecule to split the bond between their subunits. These processes play critical roles in various biochemical and synthetic pathways in living organisms and chemistry.

Final answer:

Condensation or dehydration synthesis is a reaction where two molecules bond, releasing a water molecule. Hydrolysis involves a water molecule breaking down a compound's bonds. These reactions often occur during the formation or breakdown of larger molecular structures.


A condensation reaction, also known as dehydration synthesis, involves the bonding of two reactants where one gives up a hydrogen atom, and the other gives up a hydroxyl group (OH). These form a covalent bond, and a molecule of water is released as a byproduct.

On the other hand, hydrolysis involves the breaking of a compound's bonds by a water molecule, which is split into H and OH. This results in one portion of the split compound bonding with the hydrogen atom, and the other with the hydroxyl group.

As an analogy, in the formation of macromolecules, individual smaller units called monomers (like beads in a necklace) can join together to form a polymer (the completed necklace). During this process, a water molecule is released - this is condensation or dehydration synthesis. When the necklace is taken apart, a water molecule is consumed - this is hydrolysis.

Learn more about Condensation and Hydrolysis reactions here:


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