What chemicals are in cigarettes


Answer 1
Answer: Cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals, including 43 known cancer-causing (carcinogenic) compounds and 400 other toxins. These cigarette ingredients include nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide, as well as formaldehyde, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, arsenic, and DDT. Nicotine is highly addictiv
Answer 2
Answer: there are many but I will give you the top ten dangerous chemicals. 

1. Benzene

Benzene is a compound(you can say chemical) that most likely to cause leukemia (blood cancer). Benzene is commonly used in gasoline and pesticides. Smoking a cigarette would expose half of the benzene in that 1 cigarette.

2. Formaldehyde

This is a disinfectant that kills all microbes and is used to preserve dead bodies. Amongst a lot of other problems, it causes eye irritation and coughing problems. But there's more about this, Formaldehyde can affect not just the smoker himself, but people near around the smoker.

3. Tar

Yes, the same thing that is on every single road. Tar is the residue produced by the burning tobacco. The chemicals produced cause cancer and the residue id the result of the yellow teeth due to smoking

4. Arsenic

One of the most dangerous compounds, arsenic can cause cancer as well as damage the heart and its blood vessels. Over time, it accumulates in a smoker's body. It even worsens the effect of other chemicals by interfering with our body's ability to repair our DNA and giving us a longer, healthier life.

5. Cadmium

Did you know you also smoke that compound that is used to make batteries? This toxic metal not only causes cancer but also damages kidney as well as the linings of the arteries!

6. Chromium

Blame chromium for letting carcinogens stick to the DNA and damage it completely. Chromium is also used for making dye, paints, and metallic alloys, and hence inhaling this also causes cancer. Now you know why smoking can kill you.

7. Hydrogen Cyanide

This compound increases the risk of cancer by damaging cilia. Cilia is a (tiny hair-like substance that lines the airways and helps clear toxins away. If cilia gets destroyed, the lungs become more vulnerable and more toxins easily enter the air passage.

8. Carbon Monoxide

Who knows not about the harmful effects of Carbon Monoxide? A colorless, odorless gas, CO makes up to 3-5 percent of tobacco smoke. It sticks to the red blood cells instead of oxygen, as a result of which, the amount of oxygen transferred gets lowered, thus harming our respiratory system.

9. Nitrogen Oxide
This gas is a major air pollutant and causes inflammation of the lungs. The problem is when a particular person is not smoking, the internal nitrogen oxide production shuts down. That's the reason why regular  smokers mostly suffer from heavy breathing.
10. Ammonia

Remember that strong ammonia smells in the Chemistry lab that almost made you faint? Yes, that's the chemical found in cigarettes too. This is the chemical that is responsible for enhancing the most addictive nature of nicotine, which is also commonly used as a toilet cleaner.
Still, think smoking is cool? Look up at people's mistake smoking a pack. My Grandad was rushed to the hospital because he was a smoker. Cigarettes can ruin your life and your family.

Hope this helps...

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The correct answer is - One parent has white feathers and one has red/white feathers.

The offspring, the chickens, have feathers that are only white, or feathers that are with both red and white color. There's not a single individual in the offspring that has only red feathers.

That leads to the conclusion that one of the parents had white feathers, while the other had red and white feathers, as those are the only two combinations in their offspring.

A parent that has only red feathers can be excluded (though not 100%) because there's not a single chick out of the 30 chicks with red feathers, and if there was a red feathered parent the chances are very high that at least one of them will be red feathered as well.

Answer: One parent has white feathers and one has red/white feathers.


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Well, if it gets TOO cold or TOO hot, it dies (like humans). But when it gets a bit colder then it's normal habitat, the metabolism will slow down, making it look sleepy, and sluggish. If it gets too hot, the metabolism will speed up, making it seem hyper and energetic.

A population of lizards lives on Island A. On nearby Island B, another population of the same species is present. The lizards on Island A have evolved to have a large frill around their necks. The lizards on Island B, on the other hand, have evolved to have a much smaller neck frill.Both islands are colonized by humans and some of the lizards on Island A are transferred to Island B. The lizards from Island A interbreed with the lizards on Island B. The gene coding for the large neck frill is passed on to the offspring resulting from these breedings, introducing new genetic variation into the population.

The transfer of genetic information that occurs between the two lizard populations above is known as



The transfer of genetic information that occurs between the two lizard populations is known as GENE FLOW.


The options attached to this question are given below:

A. Genetic recombination.

B. Gene flow.

C. Genetic drift.

D. Natural selection.

Gene flow refers to the transfer of genetic variations from one population to another of the same species. The rate of gene flow between two populations may be low or high. When the rate of gene flow is high the populations are considered to be a single population.

In the scenario given in this question, there is a flow of large neck frill genetic trait from the  parent lizards in Island B to the offspring that result from sexual relationship between the lizards from both islands.

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Hope this helps:)

The answer would be vitamins
Hope this helps