One major biotic factor that affects the health of coral reefs is/are


Answer 1

Answer:symbiotic algae.


Answer 2
Answer: Species of organisms that decrease the population of coral. Another reason (which isn't as biological) is that of a fisherman, or boat that destroys the reef.

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Photosynthesis is just a fancy word that describes how plants make their own food. photo means 'light' and synthesis means 'to put together'. 
    The three things that the plant "puts together" are sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water. When a plant receives these 3 things, something happens; an organelle in the cells of the plant called chloroplasts combine them and turn it into sugar in which the plant eats. Cool, huh?

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First of all, you need to know what cells are.

Cells are the organic building blocks for most organic matter. All cells have cytoplasm,a nucleus, mitochondria, a cell membrane and many other elements,depending on whether they are a plant or animal cell.

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Hope this helps! :)


In the human body, cells are the basic units of life. Groups of cells working together for a specific function form tissues. Organs are two or more tissues operating together. Even separate organs work together, forming body systems.


What characteristic is most likely to narrow down soil sample matches? Soil color Presence of vegetation or animal material Presence of rare minerals or artificial debris Soil texture


Answer: Most likely to narrow down soil sample matches:Soil color


Investigating soil characteristics like water content, age, and mineral composition, can be very important in the figuring out soil sample matches. Along with soil processes, which include carbonate makeup, chemical changes and changed organic matter; these factors can all be determined by looking at soil's most obvious physical property, color.

For instance, red or yellow soil shows the presence of iron oxides and dark colored soil is likely to contain higher amounts of organic matter (decayed vegetation and animal remains). Thus, soil from closely related sites should show matching characteristics, and color analysis allows for the full analysis of soil sample matches of the same profile.


Presence of rare minerals or artificial debris


In the lesson it clearly states, "Rare minerals and rocks or artificial debris can narrow down possible soil matches." This is also in the science journal.

What is the force of attraction between two atoms that are combined


This is called a chemical bond.