For this, you have to calculate LCM of denominators i.e., 7 and 11 that will be 77
Now, 77/7 = 11, so 4*11=44 & 77/11 = 7, so 6*7=42
44/77 and 42/77 is the answer
To get a common denominator for the fractions 4/7 and 6/11, we find the least common multiple of 7 and 11, which is 77. The fraction 4/7 becomes 44/77 when both numerator and denominator are multiplied by 11, and the fraction 6/11 becomes 42/77 when both are multiplied by 7.
In simple terms, a common denominator is found by identifying the least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators you are working with. In this instance, we are facing two fractions: 4/7 and 6/11. The LCM of 7 and 11 is 77, because 7 and 11 are both prime numbers and prime numbers only have one common multiple - their product.
So, you can rewrite these fractions as follows:
refer to the above attachment ↑
Please mark me brainliest and I hope this helped!
Step-by-step explanation:
The product of something is what the outcome is when you multiply the numbers together. Since 9 and 15 are both negatives, they cancel each other out and become positives. Then we just multiply 9 and 15. That gives us 135.
2) a population of bacteria that doubles every 4.5 hours
3) the cost of the cell phone service that charges a base amount plus 20 cents per minute
3) the concentration of medicine in a persons body that decays by a factor of one- third every hour
(1 + 3i)(6i)
(1 + 3i)(2 – 3i)
(1 + 3i)(1 – 3i)
(1 + 3i)(3i)
we will proceed to verify each case to determine the solution
remember that
case A)
applying distributive property
------> is not a real number
the case A) is not a real number product
case B)
applying distributive property
------> is not a real number
the case B) is not a real number product
case C)
applying difference of square
------> is a real number
the case C) is a real number product
case D)
applying distributive property
------> is not a real number
the case D) is not a real number product
the answer is