Based on the word root, which word means “an official announcement”?


Answer 1


The root "cred" means "to believe." The word credo means "an official statement of beliefs." The other options do not contain the root "cred" and do not mean "an official announcement." An autocrat is a tyrant or dictator; an interdict is a formal prohibition; and geodesic refers to lines on a sphere.


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The correct answer for this question is this one: "pathos"
This passage from the Declaration of Independence supports the pathos of the document. He has abandoned colonists and declared war against them is what he has abdicated government here, by declaring us out of his protection and waging war against us.

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c? im guessing thats the answer the other person gave


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by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I said unto myself, if I were dead,
What would befall these children? What would be
Their fate, who now are looking up to me
For help and furtherance? Their lives, I said,
Would be a volume wherein I have read
But the first chapters, and no longer see
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"thousands of time has the old tale been told"

Argue for or against the limitation of speed limits.


Since this is an opinion question you can take it either way.

 - lower speed may cause lower speed accidents, which are less deadly         than their high speed alternatives
 - lower speed could potentially allow people to get lost less often because        they are able to navigate and respond earlier
 - gas savings from optimal operating conditions                                            (between 88.5 - 96.5 km/h [55-60 mph])

 - longer commute times
 - less enjoyable (if you enjoy driving fast)
 - may contribute to overall congestion and increase in accidents as              people spend more time on average on the roads

Either way, support our opinion and you'll be right.