Which best describes the main source of success for the minoan civilization


Answer 1


The Minoan civilization was located in Crete, one of the most important islands of the Mediterranean sea. This civilization appreared around 2700 years BCE. The location of Crete just in the epicenter between Egypt, Asia and Greece provided the Minoan civilization with an strategic advantage for commercial exchange. The first dwellers were farmers but due to the intense traffic they could specialize in pottery and bronze craft.

Also, according to archaelogical studies, Crete had a high population rate that allowed an intense exploitation of the natural resources of the island.


Answer 2
Answer: If I remember correctly, the Minoans lived on the island of Crete, which is located in the Mediterranean Sea. This made their home a center for trade, which was their main source of prosperity.

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The ettlement in the western United States

Native Americans sent to reservations

The foundation of the Populist Party


The construction of the Transcontinental Railroad, as well as the discovery of gold, silver, and copper in many western states, led to the rapid settlement of the western United States. By 1890, 430 million acres in the Far West were settled, much more than the previous 250 years.

After 30 years of war, 250,000 Native Americans who lived on the Great Plains were enclosed in reservations to allow the westward settlement.

The Populist Party was founded with the support of western farmers affected by the depression that arose in rural America who wanted a political voice against the railroad tycoons.

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Tenements.-- They were very unsanitary and over crowded. 

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What contributed the most to human migration more than ten thousand years ago?Sturdy boats were invented.
Another Ice Age occurred.
A major volcano erupted in Africa.
A severe drought occurred.


The correct answer is that another Ice Age occured and contributed the most to human migration more than ten thousands years ago.

The Earth was going through an Ice Age phase more than ten thousands years ago and during that period as a result of the lower level of the seas along with the large ice masses, numerous land-bridges arised. Humans capitalized on those land bridges and used them to migrate to new territories.

I would say that the likely candidates are the first and the second option, the rest is not as likely to contribute to human migration.

Now, as far as I know, most Island-hopping happened actually in more primitive boats. Ice Age (that's my choice) allowed people to reach a whole new continent -America, by lowering sea level and freezing over Berin Strait - so I think this had the biggest influence!