A Newton is 1 kgm/s^2 . Is this a fundamental unit or a derived unit?


Answer 1
Answer: The kilogram, the meter, and the second are the fundamental units.
When you mash them together in just the right way, the 'newton' is
derived from them.

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Which of the following is NOT a model of the solar system?a. Sun-centered
c. Modern view
b. Earth-centered
d. all of the above are solar system models


Correct answer choice:

B. Earth-centered


Heliocentric theory is the planetary model in which the Earth and planets rotate around the Sun at the focus of the Solar System. Historically, Heliocentric theory was objected to geocentric theory, which set the Earth at the core. This approach was explained in sections by several cosmologists over various times, particularly Aristarchus, Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo.


The correct answer is option b, Earth centered


For the very first it was proposed by Copernicus that it is not the earth but sun which lies at the center of the system and rest all planets revolve around the sun. This sun centered model is known as heliocentric system and is also referred to as the modern view. This model was also helpful in solving two major queries instantly –  

a) Varying brightness of planets

b) Retrograde motion.

Which of the following is a true statement about objects in a vacuum?A. A feather will fall faster than a bowling ball.
B. A feather will fall slower than a bowling ball.
C. A feather and a bowling ball will fall at the same rate.
D. Both a feather and a bowling ball can't fall, but will always remain motionless.


C. A feather and a bowling ball will fall at the same rate. This is because there is no wind resistance and gravity pulls equally on both objects.
C. A feather and a bowling ball will fall at the same rate.

Why does an electrically heated mirror stay clear when a person has a shower?


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If you see a spacecraft moving past you at 90% of the speed of light, and if you are able to watch a clock on the spacecraft, then according to special relativity you will see the clock



Measures a slower course of time


According to the theory of relativity, there is a difference in the time measured by two observers, due to a relative speed difference between them. In other words, you observe that a clock that moves with respect to you will measure a slower course of time than a clock that is at rest in your frame of reference.