
Answer 1


um okayyyyy???


Answer 2
Answer: Okay thank you for the advice I love you

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.The following question has two parts. Answer Part A first, and then Part B.Do not feed the animals. Visitors must not touch the animals’ cages.Part AWhat is the mood of the verb do in the first of the following sentences?


The correct answer is B. Imperative.


The imperative is the name of the grammatical mood that is used to convey instruction, imposition, order, or requests. For example, the sentence "Talk quietly" in a library is an imperative sentence because this refers to an explicit order or rule. According to this definition when an advertisement says "Do not feed the animals" is using the imperative mode because it is making an order to the people who read this. Also, this can be identified because the first element in the sentence is an infinitive verb. So, the correct answer is A. Indicative

Answer: so what's the answer??


How does paragraph two and it’s three key points relate to the introduction?-
They itemize a series of request at the conus wish to make of England
-The state ideas of support the conus decided to break away from England
-describe the structure of Connell government under the England rule
- they list of specific grievance sent to the conus hold against the English roller

The story is called experts from the do you know my name is stipulation for 13 and states for America by Thomas Jefferson



third one


Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed . But when a long train of abuses and usurpations , pursuing invariably the same object evinces reveals ) a design to reduce them under absolute despotism , it is their right, it is their duty , to throw off such government , and to provide new guards for their future security. How does the following statement in the Declaration of Independence support the conclusion that America must form its own government ?

A. It creates a list of evils committed by the British under the rule of King George

B. It argues that Americans are naturally democratic ; their spirit cannot tolerate tyranny c. It appeals to a widely accepted and well - known moral code

D. suggests that Americans are obligated to break from the tyranny of the king



Suggests that Americans are obligated to break from the tyranny of the king


"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations ," This part establishes the tyranny of the king.

" it is their right, it is their duty , to throw off such government" This part suggests that Americans are obligated to rebel.

Write two to three paragraphs to address the prompt. Use specific information from the text to support your statements.Explain the different viewpoints of Frederick Douglass and Captain Canot regarding slavery. What evidence does each use? How does each present his information?
Review the rubric to ensure you are turning in your best work.



Reading multiple texts about a single topic—even if those texts express opposing viewpoints—can help deepen and improve your understanding. For that reason, you will now read an excerpt from Captain Canot, or Twenty Years of an African Slaver.

Before you begin, know that Canot was a slave trader. His views on the institution of slavery and the practice of treating human beings as cargo are repulsive. Likewise, his descriptions of the conditions that enslaved people faced aboard his ship are disturbing. Reading Canot’s work, however, offers us the chance to more fully understand the brutal realities of slavery and to develop a greater appreciation for Frederick Douglass’s efforts to see the institution ended.

Finally, as you read this memoir, remember that different texts—particularly difficult ones—require multiple reading strategies at once. So, make sure you draw upon every strategy in your comprehension toolbox: make predictions, stop and summarize, decode unfamiliar vocabulary, and ask yourself questions to check in on your comprehension. Use the Student Guide to apply reading strategies


Who is telling the story? Is it first, second, or third-person point of view? tell tale heart


Answer:Question ten: Choose the sentence in this excerpt that explains how the Fort McHenry flag is being preserved today. Answer: Last sentence. LEVEL J . Level J Answers are for the see reader questions at a 10 th grade level. This is where the stories start to get longer,more complex, and more annoying. The physics of sports; Living ...

Explanation: question n answer


The person telling the story is an unnamed narrator so, it has to be a first-person point of view

Write a presentation script on "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema" by Laura Mulvey.



'Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema" by  Laura Mulvey, is the most iconic article of Mulvey. it was first published in 1975. more explanation below;


The Presentation script for Laura Mulvey's article "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema" can be shown as: Mulvey defines scopophilia as "Taking other people as objects" and subjecting them to a controlling and curious gaze." Murvey made a link between objectification and watching movies. Mulvey believes that watching movies is a form of voyeurism.

Laura Mulvey thesis is based on how certain theories of psychoanalysis is linked to the pleasure of watching movies. Her thesis shows that watching movies gives pleasure to an audience through objectification and voyeurism. She included the Alfred Hitchcock movies to support her claim.