What makes Holmes face Moriarty


Answer 1


Moriarty the Patriot is a Japanese cartoon simulacrum of Holmes' most infamous rival, an anarchist who wants to topple the social order and eat the rich.


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Answer: It's pointing to the Arctic...North

I hope this helps, and Happy Holidays! :)


B. Atlantic...West


edge 2022

In these lines, imagery is used to help readers understand what?"It felt like a dream until the pain hit. Bam! I smacked hard on the pavement. My mother landed right beside me and we tumbled and tumbled and rolled and rolled. I was wide awake now. I went from half asleep to What the hell?! Eventually I came to a stop and pulled myself up, completely disoriented. I looked around and saw my mother, already on her feet. She turned and looked at me and screamed.


So I ran, and she ran, and nobody ran like me and my mom.

It’s weird to explain, but I just knew what to do. It was animal instinct, learned in a world where violence was always lurking and waiting to erupt. In the townships, when the police came swooping in with their riot gear and armored cars and helicopters, I knew: Run for cover. Run and hide. I knew that as a five-year-old. Had I lived a different life, getting thrown out of a speeding minibus might have fazed me. I’d have stood there like an idiot, going, “What ‘s happening, Mom? Why are my legs so sore?” But there was none of that. Mom said “run,” and I ran. Like the gazelle runs from the lion, I ran."


To understand the pain, fear and maybe bewilderment

Final answer:

The imagery in the provided lines is used to convey the intensity of physical pain and an urgent, instinctual response to potential danger, creating a vivid impression of the situation.


In these lines, the imagery is being used to help readers understand the intensity of an experience, the feeling of real, physical pain and the instinctual response to danger. The phrase 'Bam! I smacked hard on the pavement' creates a vivid image of physical pain and sudden impact. Also, the phrases 'we tumbled and tumbled and rolled and rolled' and 'Run for cover. Run and hide.' give a sense of rapid, chaotic movement and nervous energy. Finally, the comparison 'Like the gazelle runs from the lion, I ran.' gives a strong image of the survival instinct in action. By using such vivid imagery, the writer effectively conveys the feeling of immediacy, fear, and the instinctive fight-or-flight response.

Learn more about Imagery here:



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In the short story "Raymond's Run," the main character, Squeaky, demonstrates a variety of character traits. Choose three traits from the list below that you feel define Squeaky as a character. Use evidence from the story to support your claims. Your response should be about 150 words in length.



I couldn't find the options to your question online, but I can help you with the description of this character so you can answer it yourself.


Squeaky's character is persistent, bold, intelligent, true, and at the same time defensive.

Squeaky has never lost a career in his entire life, despite being a small person. She is challenged by Gretchen who also enters the competition and could beat her. However, she talks so much about her ability and says so many times that no one could beat her, that it could be interpreted as deep down she is afraid of losing.

At the same time she is in charge of taking care of her brother Raymond, who is older than her, but she says that he is "her younger brother".

Squeaky is very fast and protective, and her determination allows her to win the race and she ends up befriending her rival, Gretchen.

Final answer:

In the short story 'Raymond's Run,' Squeaky demonstrates determination, caring, and confidence as her character traits.


Squeaky's Character Traits

  1. Determined: Squeaky demonstrates determination throughout the story. For example, she is determined to win races and protect her brother. This is shown when she says, 'I run every day of my life... It's the only way to be sure to get in shape for the May Day race.'
  2. Caring: Squeaky also showcases her caring nature. She takes responsibility for her brother Raymond, who has special needs and supports him in his own way. She proves this when she says, 'I treat him like he's not just some little peashooter.'
  3. Confident: Squeaky is a confident character who believes in her abilities. She states, 'I know I'm a great runner... I don't worry about anybody on my block beating me, and that includes Raymond.'

Learn more about Character Traits in 'Raymond's Run' here:



I need to convert the units of measure from kilometers to meters or meter to kilemeter​


1000m in 1 km

Hope this helps
1 meter = 0.001

Hope this helps

How does the author use the story about the spelling bee to introduce Mark Twain in the passage?



The story shows Twain went on to become a famous writer


I dunno I read the passage on the test.

Answer: the story shows twain went on to become a famous writer