Does Silicon form a cation or is it anion?


Answer 1

Silicon generally forms at least polar covalent bonds, like carbon, as befits its status as a Gropu 4A nonmetal. The only obvious exception I can think of is SiC, which despite the similarity you might expect to graphite or diamond does, I think, have significant ionic or metallic character to its bonding in the solid state.

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Sodium Sulphate Formula is


where the ionic form is given as,

Na2+ SO42-

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 (6 C, 12 H, 6 O) x 3 - (H20) x 2 = 18 carbons, 32 hydrogens, 16 oxygens 

the answer is C18H32O16 
because you use 2 water molecules to form you are losing 4 H molecules and 2 O molecules). the first 2 glucose molecule combine losing one water molecule; and the third combines to them, losing another water molecule.

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To simplify our solution for this probelm we first assume that the gas we are dealing with is an ideal gas. Given that it is ideal we can proceed the solution using the formula: PV=nRT where P is pressure (203KPa), V is volume (20.0 L), n is moles (required), T is absolute temperature (373K) and R is the gas constant ( 8.31 l-kpa/m-k). Plug in the given to the respective variables and you should get 3.28 moles of the gas sample. 

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HOPBr₂ dibromophosphinous acid

hope this helps!

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This process is considered as a cycle because it continues and dosent stops. This process includes the evaporation of watet from earth surface due to heat.this water is converted in to water vapours. After reaching clouds it condences back. When the clouds become heavy with watef it falls back on earth as rain.and the process repeats.


Summarize the five points of Dalton’s atomic theory, and explain at least one change that occurred to the atomic theory because of further experimentation.Important Points:
All matter is composed of very small particles called atoms.
All atoms of a given element are identical.
Atoms cannot be created, destroyed, or subdivided.
Atoms combine with or separate from other atoms.
Atoms combine with each other.


Five points of Dalton's atomic theory:
1) all elements are made up of atoms. 
2) atoms are so small that they cannot be divided any further. 
3) an atom can neither be destroyed nor be formed. 
4) atoms of an element are similar, they posses same mass and same properties. 
5) atoms of different elements combine in a definite ratio to form compounds. 

Due to further experimentation it was concluded that atom is made up of small particles identified as proton, neutrons, and electrons. They can be further subdivided.

Another change is the presence of isotopes of atoms of different elements. Hence, atoms of the same element can also have different masses.