What genre is the novel the feed


Answer 1

Answer:Genres: Novel, Science Fiction, Adventure fiction, Time Travel Fiction, Dystopian Fiction, Apocalyptic fiction


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Examine the following excerpt from the poem "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," by T. S. Eliot and analyze it closely to determine its tone. How do the word choices, form, and poetic devices contribute to the tone? What effect do the lines create? The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes,
The yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the window-panes
Licked its tongue into the corners of the evening,
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Let fall upon its back the soot that falls from chimneys,
Slipped by the terrace, made a sudden leap,
And seeing that it was a soft October night,
Curled once about the house, and fell asleep.


The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S Eliot is a poem about thoughts of an emotionally contrived man, who is searching for the meaning of love in such an uncertain world.

This poem by Eliot is a repetitive monologue. By focusing on Prufrock’s inferiority and isolation, Eliot modernizes the form of the poem. From Dante’s Inferno, the epigraph of this poem describes the ideal listeners of the Prufrock, one who will not betray the Prufrock’s present confession content. Eliot’s dramatic works are anticipated by Prufrock.

The rhyming scheme of the poem is irregular which becomes apparent when reading aloud. It may also resemble free verse. The use of refrain in the poem is the most important characteristic of this work. Eliot describes the neurotic and consciousness of the modern world by,

“women [who] come and go / Talking of Michelangelo”- Prufrock’s continual return to it.

“how should I presume?”- his repetitive questioning

“That is not it, at all.”- and his pessimistic approach

Another important characteristic of the poem is at the conclusion using fragments of the sonnet form.

“I do not think they (the mermaids) would sing to me,”- creates a contrary image on the coldness of the modern world.

Hence, the poem “The Lovesong of Alfred J Prufrock” is not just a remarkable poem for great thoughts rather has a much more influence over its readers. The tone and the way the poem has been written can be noticed going parallel with that of the life of a middle-aged man. Both the poem the life of the man undergoes some changes as it moves ahead with comic scenes, intellectual thoughts, the gloominess of the society, loneliness and searches for a better life.


The tone of the excerpt is reflective and unpleasantly realistic. The excerpt suggests a combination of negative feelings: creeping melancholy, a sense of stagnation, a lack of health, and an absence of hope and energy. The imagery in the excerpt contributes to this effect:

-the yellow color of the fog

-the comparison of the fog to a beast that lock the surroundings

-the reference to pools in drains and soot from chimneys

Eliot lived in London, a city known for its heavy fog. Here, the fog might symbolize the speakers confusion as well.



Could you please tell me __________? a) how old you are b) are you how old c) how old are you d) you are how old





This sentence is the only grammatically correct answer. Why? In a direct question, you directly state your question, for example: "How old are you?"  When asking an indirect question (which is what this question is) you first start with a phrase such as "Can/could you tell me", then you add the direct question, but phrase the direct question as you would a statement, basically changing the word order: "Could you please tell me how old you are?"


The answer is not A it is C how old are you

Which statement is the most objective summary of the passage?Craving sweetness leads to developing poor habits around food.
New sources of sweetness use better techniques than the old sources did.
Chemists conduct work that is not interesting to much of the public.
Sugar cane is no longer the main source of sweetness for most people.


Answer: Sugar cane is longer the main source of sweetness for most people


According to the passage, people crave sweetness, now more than ever since there are several ways to satisfy that need.

The people now satisfy their urge for sugar by eating sugary snacks and drinking sodas rather than taking sugar cane which was the main source of sweetness for most people before.

Therefore, the objective summary of the passage is that sugar cane is no longer the main source of sweetness for most people.

Sugar cane is no longer the main source of sweetness for most people: this is the most objective summary of the passage. Thus, option D is the correct option.

The passage conveys a factual shift away from sugar cane as the primary sweetener for a majority of individuals. This summary precisely captures the objective essence of the passage's message, highlighting the change in sweetness source without introducing personal opinions or interpretations.

The statement underscores a significant transformation in dietary habits and sources of sweetness, providing an impartial and concise representation of the original passage. It refrains from adding extraneous details, focusing solely on the information presented in the passage.

Thus, option D is the correct option.

Learn more about summary here:



Probably the full passage is:

We all crave sweetness, now more than ever since there are so many ways to satisfy that need. And there are still sugar plantations where the work is brutal. In places like the Dominican Republic (Haiti's island neighbor), some sugar work is not very different from what it was for Marina's Indian ancestors in British Guiana: hard, poorly paid labor by people who are often mistreated. But for most of us, chemists have more to say about how we satisfy that taste than do overseers. When sugar is in the headlines, critics speak about how much of it we eat, not who picked the crop. Doctors warn that young people are gaining too much weight from eating sugary snacks; parents learn that kids who drink too many sweet sodas can cycle between manic sugar "highs" and grinding sugar "crashes." No one worries about where the sweetness comes from. Our diet was transformed by the Age of Sugar, but that era is over.

Rewrite the following paragraph so that the resource material flows with the remainder of the paragraph.A person considering the cost of school athletics must first consider salaries of coaches, custodians, trainers, and band directors. James Johnson said, "Equipment is another major cost." Equipment includes uniforms for athletes, marching band, pompom line, cheerleaders, and other groups whose function is tied to the athletics program. Equipment includes balls, bats, nets, clubs, laundry and cleaning costs, first-aid supplies, and medical supplies. Johnson also discusses utility costs. "Some are directly related to the sports program such as lighting and air conditioning." Water used by the team for showers should be included (26).


Since this paragraph is talking about equipment and utility costs, and not the cost of salaries, I would rewrite the topic sentence to better reflect the supporting evidence. This way, the rest of the paragraph flows from the first sentence, and the reader can better understand the main point:

Although a person considering the cost of school athletics may immediately think of salaries, they should instead recognize the cost of equipment and utilities.


James Johnson said, "Equipment is another major cost." A person considering the cost of school athletics must first consider salaries of coaches, custodians, trainers, and band directors. The expenses would include uniforms, balls, bats, nets, clubs, pompoms, laundry and cleaning costs, first-aid supplies, and medical supplies. Johnson also discusses utility costs. "Some are directly related to the sports program such as lighting and air conditioning."(26) Water used by the team for showers should be included in the expenses.

Theme of the passage " the guest" by Mona gedney



Sorry, but your question is not complete and I could not find any online resource that had the passage you had in mind, but its really easy to find the theme of ANY book.

First of all, you need to find out what the book is talking about. Is it a book that talks about the consequences of war? Effects of famine? Importance or honesty? When you find out what the book is talking about, the next step becomes easy.

Next, and very important step is to find out the moral lesson the book is trying to give or what message it is trying to pass across.

With these two key points in mind, you can easily get what the theme of the book is.

N. B: A theme is the subject matter or focus of the book.

A theme can either have a theme of love, rejection, betrayal, patience, reverence, etc.

Good luck.

20 points and brainliest is it A, B, C, DIf you are bad-tempered and sulky, you would be considered _______.

A. Sullen
B. trepidant
C. vivacious
D. taciturn





bad-tempered and sulky; gloomy.




hope this helped:::::::::))))))))))