Analyze: Cellular respiration involves two phases. The anaerobic phase does not involve oxygen, while the aerobic phase does. Where does each phase take place?


Answer 1


The anerobic part takes place in the fluid part of the cytoplasm while the aerobic part takes place in the mitochondria


Answer 2

Cellular respiration involves two phases: anaerobic and aerobic. The anaerobic phase occurs in the cytoplasm, while the aerobic phase takes place in the mitochondria.

Cellular respiration involves two phases: anaerobic and aerobic. The anaerobic phase, also known as glycolysis, occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell. Here, glucose is broken down into pyruvate without the need for oxygen. The aerobic phase, which includes the Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation, takes place in the mitochondria of the cell. In this phase, pyruvate is further broken down with the help of oxygen to produce energy-rich molecules called ATP.

Learn more about Cellular respiration here:


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(D)The processes of transcription and translation in the cells of spiders and goats are fundamentally similar.


The genetic information present in the spider DNA can be inserted, transcribed and translated using similar machineries to that present in spiders. This produces the same protein, but the protein is likely processed and exported differently, meaning it plays different roles in each organism.

This is true for lots of scenarios, scientists frequently insert human genes into mice, and even cells in culture!

A major unit of the genetic code is called a(n) _____. chromosome genome RNA gamete


A. Chromosome. A chromosome is a physical unit of an organism's genetic code.

B. A genome is not a "unit" of the genetic code.
C. RNA is not part of the genetic code.
D. A gamete is not part of the genetic code

A major unit of the genetic code is called a(n) _____. chromosome genome RNA gamete



The minimum degree of rotation by which this octagon can map onto itself is?


An octagon has 8 sides

The minimum degree of rotation would be achieved in an octagon will all sides and angles equal, and this rotation would then be 360/8=34 Degrees

It is thought that President Abraham Lincoln suffered from a genetic disorder known as Marfan syndrome. Which type of fiber is affected in this disorder? ?


Marfan syndrome is a rare disease of the connective tissue, which affects different structures, including skeleton, lungs, eyes, heart and blood vessels.

It is characterized by an unusual increase in limb length. It is believed to affect one in 5,000 people. Unlike other genetic problems, it does not negatively affect intelligence.

A person sustains a blow to the head that prevents the brain from communicating with the limbs. Damage to _____________ tissue would most likely cause this disorder.


The correct answer is nervous. A person sustains a blow to the head that prevents the brain from communicating with the limbs. The damages that will cause to the nervous tissue would most likely cause this disorder. 


Nervous tissue.


There are 4 types of tissues in our body:

1) Nervous tissue;

2) Epithelial tissue;

3) Muscle tissue;

4) Connective tissue.

It is the function of nervous tissue to communicate with the various organs of the body so that they could response to a stimulus accordingly.

There are 3 types of neurons:


Nervous tissue.


There are 4 types of tissues in our body:

1) Nervous tissue;

2) Epithelial tissue;

3) Muscle tissue;

4) Connective tissue.

It is the function of nervous tissue to communicate with the various organs of the body so that they could response to a stimulus accordingly.

There are 3 types of neurons:

a) Sensory neurons;

b) Motor neurons;

c) Mixed neurons.

Sensory neurons after sensing a stimulus from the environment sends the information to brain. Then after brain sends signal to effector organ through motor neurons so that the effector organ could respond to the stimulus accordingly. But if somehow nervous tissue is damaged it will not be able to  perform its function of communicating with other organs of the body like limbs, eyes etc.

The greenhouse effect is a result ofA. absorption and radiation of energy in the hydrosphere.
B. consumption of fruits and vegetables that produce a biofuel.
C. consumption and radiation of energy in the atmosphere.
D. absorption and radiation of energy in the atmosphere



The correct answer would be D. absorption and radiation of energy in the atmosphere.

Green house effect refers to the process by which heat or radiation from the sun as well as those radiated from the surface of the earth are trapped in the atmosphere.

It gradually results in increase of the temperature of the earth.

Due to increase in greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane et cetera the average temperature of the earth keeps on increasing and thus results in global warming.

The warming up of Earth's atmosphere due to absorption and radiation of energy is called the greenhouse effect.

Further Explanation:

The process that causes the atmosphere of the Earth to trap the heat released by the Sun is called the greenhouse effect. During this process, the Earth becomes warmer as compared to the absence of the atmosphere. It is a natural process in which some of the Sun's energy that reaches the atmosphere is reflected. In contrast, the rest of the energy is reabsorbed and irradiated by the greenhouse gases. The various greenhouse gases are methane, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and nitrous oxide. This absorbed energy causes heating up of the atmosphere and the Earth's surface. Life on Earth is possible due to this effect as it maintains the temperature at 33 degrees Celsius warmer.

Certain human activities are responsible for enhances the greenhouse gas concentration, such as clearing of agricultural land and the burning of fossil fuel. This increased greenhouse effect leads to further warming up of the Earth. The steps involved in the greenhouse effect and its enhanced effect are as follows:

  • Solar energy falls on the atmosphere of the Earth, and some of the radiations are reflected.
  • The oceans and land absorb the remaining energy and heat the Earth.
  • The heat radiates into space from the Earth.
  • Some heat is entrapped by the greenhouse gases which help sustain life on Earth.
  • The amount of greenhouse gases increases in the atmosphere as human activities like clearing land and fossil fuel burning increases.
  • The heat thus produced raises the temperature further.

The excess absorption of carbon dioxide by the ocean makes the water more acidic, which is not good for aquatic life and is called ocean acidification.

Learn More:

  1. Learn more about the fibrous skeleton of the heart
  2. Learn more about blood cells bring oxygen and take carbon dioxide away
  3. Learn more about the system prepares food for absorption into the bloodstream

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Chapter: Greenhouse Effect

Subject: Biology


Greenhouse effect, greenhouse gases, atmosphere, Earth's surface, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, water vapor, solar radiation, clearing of land, burning of fossil fuels, ocean acidification.