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1 = organit celular cu rol în procesul de respiraţie
2 = organite cu rol în secreţia celulară
3 = nume dat membranei vacuolelor
4= se găsesc la jumătatea fusului de diviziune în timpul metafazei
5 = au rol în procesul de fotosinteză
6 = împreună formează vacuomul celular
7 = coordonează întreaga activitate a celulei
8 = proces prin care se înmulţesc celulele
9 = organit cu rol în diviziunea celulară
10 = organite celulare descoperite de George Emil Palade


Answer 1
Answer: Wat language is this

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Limiting factor.....

Answer:The correct answer is limiting factor


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The answer is 100 percent purple

Let P be dominant allele for purple flowers and p recessive allele for white flowers. So purebred purple flower has two P alleles and its genotype is PP and purebread white flower has two p alleles and its genotype is pp. Since P is dominant over p, when found together like in heterozygous plants (Pp), the flowers will express dominant allele and will be purple.
So, a cross between purebred purple flowering plants (PP) with purebred white flowering plants (pp) will have 100% of the offspring with genotype Pp and purple flower color.

Parents:               PP      x       pp
Offspring:        Pp     Pp      Pp    Pp

When Mendel crossed purebred purple flowering plants (PP) with purebredwhite flowering plants (pp), the flower colors of the resulting offspring is: 100 percent purple.


  • Gregor Mendel, who is referred to as the FATHER OF GENETICS, crossed pea plants using several of their characters.

  • He crossed purebred purple flowering plants (PP) with purebred white flowering plants (pp) to obtain offsprings that were all purple flowered (Pp).

Therefore, it can be said that when Mendel crossed purebred purple flowering plants (PP) with purebred white flowering plants (pp), the flower colors of the resulting offspring is: 100 percent purple.

Learn more about Mendel cross at:

How is reproduction in a potato different from reproduction in humans?


potato reproduction is asexual(only 1 parent needed) and will produce a clone. Human reproduction is sexual(2 parents needed) and will produce a unique offspring with traits from both parents

Which flowchart correctly lists the structures in order from smallest to largest?gene Right-arrow DNA Right-arrow chromosome Right-arrow nucleus
gene Right-arrow chromosome Right-arrow DNA Right-arrow nucleus
DNA Right-arrow gene Right-arrow chromosome Right-arrow nucleus
DNA Right-arrow chromosome Right-arrow gene Right-arrow nucleus


Listing the structures in order from smallest to largest follows this sequence ( A ) ; Gene right arrow DNA right arrow Chromosome right arrow Nucleus

Gene is the basic unit of heredity in animals, they are made up of DNA strands, while chromosomes ( thread like structures ) are positioned inside the Nucleus of ( plant and animal cells ).

Chromosomes are comprised of proteins and single molecule DNA that are passed from parents to its offspring.

Hence we can conclude that the flowchart that lists the structures in order from smallest to largest follows this sequence ( A ) ;  Gene right arrow DNA right arrow Chromosome right arrow Nucleus.

Learn more :


gene Right-arrow DNA Right-arrow chromosome Right-arrow nucleus


trust me I'm smart

What does the continued presence of vestigial structures like the whale pelvis and femur shown in Figure 16-1 suggest about the impact vestigial structures have on fitness?


well it might help you want to ecercise more