Calculate a tip or gratuity and get the total amount to pay. Enter your meal or dinner cost along with the tip percentage. If you are splitting the cost at a restaurant among several people you can divide by the number of people to get the total cost each. Optionally round the results to dollars.
Tip = Cost * 0.xx
Total including Tip = Cost * 1.xx Explanation:
it friction because the screw is low on the efficiency.
friction is the correct answer
These names are important because they give room for people throughout the world to communicate unambiguously about animal species.
It was expidient to name animals, plants or any other living organisms in such a way to prevent any confusion which was initial problem. As a vegetable in different parts of one single country is has different names. Hence scientists concluded to use a single scientific name of Latin origin representing its features that would make anyone in any part of the world easily recognize the vegetable (any other living organism) without barrier of language or culture. This was made possible because of binomial nomenclature.
The tools that would be used to make header 1 appear and look like header 2 is the alignment tool icon and the Bold tool icon.
To understand this question, we must understand the interface of the Microsoft Excel.
Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet that can be used for a variety of features such as:
As a Microsoft software, Microsoft Excel can also be used to edit sheets. In the image attached, the required tool icons needed to change the header 1 into header 2 is the alignment tool icon and the Bold tool icon.
The two tools can be seen in the image as the two lower left icons.
Learn more about Microsoft Excel here:
The student should click More Symbols.
The student should click Symbols.
The student should find the symbol on the keyboard.
The student should click More Symbols.
The student is currently in the main drop-down of symbols, and yet can't find the desired symbol. The next step would be to go further and look deeper into the symbols drop-down which is done by clicking more symbols.
It is important to note that before the student want to the symbol drop-down, he/she should have already looked through the keyboard for the (°) symbol. It is only natural for troubleshooting for a problem to be progressive. The student goes further to check for (°) by clicking more symbols not going back to looking through the keyboard, looking for a shortcut to the symbol or clicking the symbol icon to bring up the main drop-down for symbols.
Therefore, the only option available is to click More Symbols.
// here is code in C++.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// main function
int main()
// variables
int x=5,y=2,z=9;
int min;
// find the smallest value and assign to min
// if x is smallest
if(x < y && x < z)
// assign x to min
// if y is smallest
else if(y < z)
// assign y to min
// if z is smallest
// assign z to min
// print the smallest
cout<<"smallest value is:"<<min<<endl;
return 0;
Declare and initialize variables x=5,y=2 and z=9.Then check if x is less than y and x is less than z, assign value of x to variable "min" .Else if value of y is less than value of z then smallest value is y, assign value of y to "min".Else z will be the smallest value, assign its value to "min".
smallest value is:2