Dawn is trying to find out how much weight she can push across the room. She is really trying to find her


Answer 1

Dawn is trying to figure out how much weight she can push with her strength, or what her maximum pushing force is, across the room. She could do an experiment to find out.

She must first prepare a testing space with a flat, smooth surface to reduce friction. She can then progressively add weights to a cart or other object and use all of her strength to try to push it across the room. She can determine her maximum pushing force by noting the heaviest weight she can move. For a variety of jobs, including moving furniture or participating in physical sports that call for pushing heavy things, this knowledge can be essential.

To know more about physical sports, here



Answer 2


Muscular strength


She is testing her strength while pushing the weights

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The length of the rod should be

(L)/(4) \n


Period of simple pendulum is given by

T=2\pi\sqrt{(l)/(g)} \n

We have

(T_1^2)/(T_2^2)=(l_1)/(l_2)\n\n(2^2)/(1^2)=(L)/(l_2)\n\nl_2=(L)/(4) \n

The length of the rod should be

(L)/(4) \n

A positive magnification means the image is inverted compared to the object​




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To develop this problem it is necessary to apply the kinematic equations that describe displacement, velocity and clarification.

By definition we know that velocity is defined as the change of position due to time, therefore

V = (d)/(t)


d = Distance

t = Time

Speed can also be expressed in vector form through its components V_x and V_y

In the case of the horizontal component X, we have to

V_x = (d)/(t)

Here d means the horizontal displacement, then

t = (d)/(V_x)

t = (67)/(V_x)

At the same time we have that the vertical component of the velocity is

V_y = gt


g = Gravity

Therefore using the relation previously found we have that

V_y = g (67)/(V_x)

The relationship between the two velocities and the angle can be expressed through the Tangent, therefore

tan\theta = (V_y)/(V_x)

tan \theta = (g (67)/(V_x) )/(V_x)

tan 3 = (9.8(67)/(V_x) )/(V_x)

tan 3 = (9.8*67)/(V_x^2)

V_x^2 = (9.8*67)/(tan 3)

V_x= \sqrt{ (9.8*67)/(tan 3)}

V_x = 111.93m/s \hat{i}

This is the horizontal component, we could also find the vertical speed and the value of the total speed with the information given,

Then V_y,

V_y = g (67)/(V_x)

V_y = 9.8*(67)/(111.93)

V_y = 5.866m/s\hat{j}

|\vec{V}| = √(111.93^2+5.866^2)

|\vec{V}| = 112.084m/s

A local ice hockey pond is at 4°C when the air temperature falls, causing the water temperature to drop to 0°C with 10.9 cm of ice forming at the surface at a temperature of 0°C. How much heat was lost if the unfrozen pond is 1 m deep and 50 m on each side?


Answer: 114.4 GJ


Heat loss Q=U×A×ΔT

Heat loss of size A is determined by the U value of materials and the difference in temperature.

From 10.9cm from the ice

50m= 5000cm

A= 5000×5000

Q== (10.9) (5000) (5000)(4.184)(1×4 + 80)

Q = 95,771,760,000J

Q≈ 95.8 GJ

Linear gradient from the bottom of the pond to the ice:

Q = (89.1)(5000)(5000)(4.184)(1*2)

Q = 18,639,720,000J

Q ≈ 18.6 GJ

Total heat loss:

Q= 95.8GJ + 18.6GJ

Q= 114.4 GJ

Much of our knowledge of the interior of the Earth comes from the study of planetary vibrations, which is the science of





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  • The science of seismology tells about the magnitude and intensity of these waves that lead to planetary vibrations. These waves trigger earthquakes, floods, and even landslides.

Why is there so much more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of Venus than in that of Earth? Why so much more carbon dioxide than on Mars?



The reason for the more concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of Venus than in the Earth -

On the Earth , most amount of the carbon dioxide is in the ocean water and in sea sediments .

Considering Venus , in the planet Venus , there is no Ocean water , hence , carbon dioxide can not get dissolved into the water , hence , it is found in the atmosphere .

So , the escape velocity for carbon dioxide on Mars is smaller than Venus .