ASAP. The dogs purpose 18-23 chapters summary story


Answer 1


In chapter 18, Bailey wakes and realizes he's a puppy again. He remembers everything . How could he have a more important mission than loving the boy? Bailey squats and realizes all at once he is now a female! A man comes and claps and the puppies who don't cower he puts in a box. The dog who was formerly Bailey is among these puppies. The man puts her in his T-shirt and asks her if she can find her way out. When she jumps out, the man tells the woman she is very bright. His name is Jakob. She retrieves a paper ball for him , remembering how Ethan wanted her to return "the flip" Jakob takes the puppy.


Answer 2
Answer: Bailey is reborn again. Haily is report into a dog named Ellie. Ellie went into a canyon finding the missing young girl. A girl named Maya found Ellie and took her to her house. Maya decided to take Ellie on a road trip to visit Jakob. Ellie was splashing in some chemicals that were burning her nose and maya kept Ellie’s nose medicated with cream.

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As the responder searched for the similar question since the choices aren’t given. The sentence or phrases which has most likely to be a considered cliché is “look before you leap”. This mantra has probably the most used and a common sense. Some say this is also a proverb which more likely qualifies to be a cliché. As they define, cliché is word, phrase or sentence that has been used over and over again where it has been now a trite. 

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The studies comparing a typical school meal to recommended dietary allowances would be the best option for a research paper. In a research paper, one is usually looking for cold, hard facts, and an athlete and school cafeteria workers are not necessarily experts on nutrition.


The third option



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