Field of view in Microscope
Field of View: Sometimes abbreviated "FOV", this is the diameter of the circle of light that you see when looking into a microscope. As the power increases, the field of view decreases.
Nikon Instruments B.V. is pleased to announce the release of NIS-Elements, a new addition to Nikon’s growing suite of artificial intelligence (AI) tools for microscopy. uses artificial intelligence to automatically remove blur from widefield fluorescence microscope images. utilizes new Nikon technologies executed on graphic processing units (GPUs) to leverage fast and efficient clarity…
The native species will compete for resources in the habitat.
The native species will thrive in the habitat.
The native species will remove all of the resources in the habitat.
The native species will destroy the habitat.
a. the native species will compete for resources in the habitat.
since there are no predators for the introduced species to be monitored by, the native species will compete for resources that the introduced species is depleting.
The water in the ocean would have evaporated.
The water in the ocean would have undergone sublimation.
The water in the ocean would have percolated down into the soil.
The water in the ocean would have undergone evapotranspiration.
The correct answer is option A
The water in the ocean would have evaporated. Condensation was the reason for the formation of clouds and rain at that time. The temperature at that time was in the favor for the formation of ocean. Then, the ocean was formed and if the temperature could have increased soon after the oceans were formed. The water could have evaporated from the oceans.
The correct answer is option d. RNA polymerase binds to a promoter region of DNA
We will answer that!
The process of transcription consists in the transformation of DNA into RNA from a DNA sequence.
At the beginning of the process the DNA opens in a promoter region and the RNA polymerase enzyme binds to begin transcription. The promoter region is a sequence of nucleotides in the DNA that indicate that the enzyme has to bind there.
So, the correct answer is option d. RNA polymerase binds to a promoter region of DNA
To complete our analysis we can say that the following options are arranged as follows:
c. Nucleotides are covalently linked together: all DNA nucleotides are linked with a covalent bond
b. RNA polymerase reaches a terminator region: when RNA polymerase reaches the terminator region, we have premature RNA
to. Introns are edited out of the premature RNA ..
Cells are the basic building blocks of living things.
The human body is composed of trillions of cells, all with their own specialized function.
This is true
The Human Genome Project was an international biological project that was created to determine the sequence of the human DNA, and locating and mapping the entire genes of the human genome in terms of structure and function. The Human Genome Project allows researchers to discover disease causing genes and possibly prevent or treat them. In 2001, the Human Genome Project researchers discovered a new tumor suppressor gene on human chromosome 7 which is involved in prostate and breast cancer. Also in 2000, researchers in Japan and Germany discovered the genetic code of human chromosome 21 and was identified to be involved with diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Down syndrome and Alzheimer's disease.
for you to be scientifically
C. Explain to your reader thorougly
scientific litierate