a loan is usually a big amount of money someone loans you that you have to pay back in increments. A credit card is a card with money you borrow from the bank and have to pay back monthly.
Loans are a fixed amount of money borrowed at an agreed interest rate to be paid back over a certain period. Credit cards are a type of revolving credit where you borrow against a credit limit, paying interest only on the amount you owe.
Loans and credit cards are indeed two types of credit, but they work in different ways. When you take out a loan, you are borrowing a set amount of money that you agree to pay back over a certain period of time. You will also agree on an interest rate, which will be added to the amount you owe.
On the other hand, a credit card is a type of revolving credit. This means that you're given a credit limit, or a maximum amount that you can charge to the card. You can borrow up to that limit and as you pay off your balance, that money becomes available to borrow again. Interest is charged on the amount you owe, not the entire credit limit.
The name for a painting created by applying pigments to damp plaster walls is D. fresco.
Fresco is a famous technique of mural painting. It is generally associated with the Italian Renaissance, which extended from the late 13th century to the 16th century and it characterized by the development of new artistic ideas. Moreover, the name of this technique comes from the Italian adjective "fresco", which means "fresh". Famous frescoes are Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling and the dome of the cathedral Santa Maria del Fiore of Florence.
A. he
B. him
The answer is complexion
The answer is complexion
opposing viewpoints?
a) people from both sides agreeing that children should be able to be safe while they are in
b) people from both sides listening respectfully to the opposing viewpoint
c) people from both sides presenting facts and evidence to support their viewpoint
d) people from both sides agreeing to listen to a group of teachers talk about their viewpoints
Presenting facts and evidence to back up their positions are people on both sides. Argumentation techniques include debate and debating. Debate is one way to resolve problems and disputes.
A conversation in which participants express contrasting views on a subject. A debate may take the shape of a formal gathering, an unofficial conversation between two or more people, or a broad discussion involving many people. [count] Before the election, there were numerous debates in which the candidates took part.
Argumentation techniques include debate and debating. Debate is one way to resolve problems and disputes. Since debaters attempt to sway the audience's emotions in order to persuade them of a point, it is a more powerful type of argument than logical argument.
A contest in which groups of individuals, frequently students, debate a topic, with the winning group determined to have presented the strongest arguments.
To learn more about debate refer to:
I believe it's c
People should be able to understand and see evidence that shows support for either side however, that person still needs to make a compelling arguement as to why they believe they're correct. One can see both sides and can equally feel swayed to one or another while still showing good sportsmanship. I didn't really know how to explain hope this helps!
b. assonance
c. alliteration
d. onomatopoeia