I have learned that
I have realized that
I will apply​


Answer 1


I have learned that there are things in life that are essential to my health, and things that are not beneficial.

I have realized that some of the things I might be doing with my body could be harmful later in life.

I will apply the knowledge I have been giving throughout my years of education and my ongoing adulthood.

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Which of the following is NOT a type of wellness?a. spiritual b. social c. spacial d. mental Which of the following statements about physical fitness is TRUE? a. Physical fitness is a continuous, changing state. b. Physical fitness is influenced by many factors. c. Physical fitness is individualized to each person. d. all of the above

Fats are an essential part of a diet.
a. True
b. False


Yes, it is true that fats are an essential part of a diet. The correct option among all the options given in the question is option "a". Fats are required because it helps the body to absorb certain types of nutrients as well. It also gets converted to energy whenever required. It also helps to absorb certain vitamins like Vitamin A and Vitamin D. It also helps to create certain kinds of fatty acids that the body cannot create  on its own. Two kinds of fats are mostly found in the body and they are saturated and unsaturated type of fats.

true for sure

hope this helps

Which statement is true about blood alcohol concentration?


The “breathalyzer” is a test of a person's BAC. (Blood Alcohol Concentration). This is found to be true in many cases of drunk and recless drivers, intoxicated people and others. The breathalyzer is a ture test and is used in many cases.

Why is the consumption of dietary supplements considered risky?


Many supplements contain active ingredients that have strong biological effects in the body. This could make them unsafe in some situations and hurt or complicate your health. For example, the following actions could lead to harmful – even life-threatening – consequences. -Combining supplements -Using supplements with medicines (whether prescription or over-the-counter) -Substituting supplements for prescription medicines -Taking too much of some supplements, such as vitamin A, vitamin D, or iron Some supplements can also have unwanted effects before, during, and after surgery. So, be sure to inform your healthcare provider, including your pharmacist about any supplements you are taking.

A successful personal fitness plan includes activities to develop only one area of health-related fitness. Please select the best answer from the choices provided. T F


This is false. In order to have a successful fitness plan one must overhaul their health completely. This means both diet and exercise. Healthy, clean eating is 80% responsible for health. For fitness one must focus both on weight and/or strength training as well as cardio.

A successful personal fitness plan includes activities to develop only one area of health-related fitness is a false statement.

Further Explanation:

Physical fitness is a state in which a person has sufficient energy in store which helps in avoiding fatigue and to have a healthy life. The body system has an ability to work together structurally and allow the individual obtain a healthy and active life. A healthy person has an ability to respond effectively to its normal life situation and in emergency situation.

Physical fitness is classified into eleven parts in which five comes underhealth related physical fitness.

Health related: They helps in promoting daily life activity efficiently and also provide good health and strength. It also reduces the risk of chronic disease. The components of health related physical fitness are,

  1. Cardio respiratory fitness-The capacity of the heart, lungs and blood vessel to perform better and supply oxygen efficiently.
  2. Muscular strength-The capability of the muscle to lift heavy weight.
  3. Muscular endurance-the capacity to use muscle for longer duration.
  4. Flexibility-The capability to use joint effectively.
  5. Body composition-All the tissue come together to create the body.

A successful personal fitness plan includes activities to develop all the area of health related fitness. The activities to improve this area includes running, swimming and aerobic dance.

Learn More:

  1. Learn more about the treatment of eukaryotic cell with a drug
  2. Learn more about the proteins synthesis in a cell
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Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Health

Chapter: Physical fitness


Skill related health related, chronic, cardiorespiratory, muscular, flexibility, coordination, agility, fatigue, healthy.

The mode of exercise refers to the___ of exercise performed.a. duration
b. amount
c. type.
d. intensity


The best answer to the question above would be letter c. The mode of exercise refers to the type of exercise performed. These are exercises that fall under categories such as strength, flexibility, agility training and all those categories of exercises for the sake of training for function.

What are the 4 main parts of the cardiovascular system?


1. blood 2. arteries, veins 3. capillaries 4. the heart


Blood vessels


Lymphatic system