Living Cells created from the dead grass
Because the water has nutrients.
Biotic and nonliving
Biotic - A biotic component is relating to living organisms or resulting from it. For example animals, plants, bacteria, table, chair etc.
Abiotic - Abiotic components are not derived from the living organisms, that is they are not biological instead they are physical. For example wind temperature etc.
Living - Living things are those things that were once or that are now alive. For example humans. They can also feel happiness, anger etc.
Non-living things are those which were never alive for example bucket, rock etc.
Soil is formed by the process of weathering. The soil is the uppermost layer of the surface of Earth. The first formed soil contains pieces of rocks and other particles.
Soil is the uppermost thin layer of material covering the earth's surface. It is formed from the weathering of large rocks. It is made up of mineral particles, organic materials, air, water and living organisms like bacteria.
The lichens are the pioneer species which invade the bare rocks and convert them into soil. They secrete acids which dissolve the rocks. This helps in their weathering and formation of soil. Mosses grow on the rocks along with the lichens to form a mat over the substratum.
Under the action of factors like heat, cold, rain, wind, and other atmospheric factors, the rock breaks down physically into the parent material of the soil.
Learn more about Soil here:
Weathering and erosion produce ever smaller rock particles which,
when mixed with dust and decayed organic matter over time ,
result in different types of soil .
Every slice of the bread, contains a number of blister like pores. These blister like pores suggests that the air or some gas might be present there. In case, the bread has no air, the surface of the bread must be smooth rather than rough.
The bread is formed by the fermentation of the sugar molecules present in the dough with the help of yeast. These blisters like structure on the bread is present due to the gas produced during fermentation.