story follows a protagonist, Wesley. When Wesley, a somewhat eccentric boy with no friends, discovers a mysterious plant magically growing in his parents' backyard, he cultivates the plant over his summer vacation. The plant, which he names "swist", provides him with a food source, and allows him to build shelter, tools, and even create his own entertainment and inspires Wesley to create his own writing system. Wesley's resourcefulness and meticulous research eventually allow to him the basis of his own civilization which he names "Weslandia", an eponymous micro-nation in his parents' backyard. His efforts are successful, and instead of being a social outcast, he gains a group of followers made up of his former grade-school tormentors.
will give the brainliest!
pls answer correctly.
she will die of diabeetus
because diabeetus cleetus
Answer: Human perception of light and sound
According to the given question, if we compare the physics and the psycho-physics then the psycho-physics is basically studying about the different types of human perceptions of the sound and the light.
On the other hand, the physicists is study about the various types of sound and the light properties.
The psychophysics is basically responsible for studying about the relationship between various types of physical characteristics about the frequency pf the sounds, sensations and the light based on the human perception.
Therefore, Human perception of light and sound is the correct answer.
When the body measurements are accurate, the garments can be fit.
A well-fitted garment can enhance not only the look of the person but also the personality.The measurements for an attire depends on a number of factors like the style,type of the garment and the gender of the customer.
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