Kenyatta reforms new nations in America


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HELPPPPPP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1)which of the following is a function of the executive branch?
A)writing legislation
B)administering the law
C)challenging legislation in court
D)repealing the law

2)Which of the following reasons best explains why congress enacted the war powers resolution in 1973?
A)to grant the president unrestricted authority to send troops abroad
B)to allow the president unlimited war powers
C)to require congress to authorize funding for the military
D)to limit the president's ability to commit troops to an undeclared war

3)How do executive agreements differ from treaties?
A)the senate ratifies treaties that were executive agreements from the previous administration
B)a treaty requires approval by the senate an executive agreement does not
C)executive agreements are valid across administrations treaties are not
D)the president negotiates treatise senate makes executive agreements.

4)How are the presidents executive powers of clemency an example of checks and balances?
A)clemency can overturn federal court decisions
B)clemency can employ congress to stop the federal courts
C)clemency can influence the way the federal courts will rule on a case
D)clemency can prevent the courts from making improper laws.


1) = B) Administering the law is a function of the executive branch of government. Writing the laws and repealing of laws are functions of the legislative branch, and challenging legislation in court is a function of the judicial branch.

2) = D) Limiting the president's ability to commit troops to an undeclared warwas the reason why Congress enacted the War Powers Resolution in 1973. The resolution, passed by Congress over President Nixon's veto, requires the President of the United States to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to any military action. Armed forces cannot remain deployed for more than 60 days (plus a 30-day withdrawal period), unless Congress authorizes the use of military force or enacts a declaration of war.

3) = B) Executive agreements differ from treaties in that a treaty requires approval by the senate an executive agreement does not. In the 19th century, about half of the United States' international agreements were treaties and half executive agreements. In the 20th and now 21st cenutry, more than 90% of US international agreements have been created as executive agreements.

4) = A) The president's executive powers of clemency an example of checks and balances because clemency can overturn federal court decisions. So clemency functions as an instance of the executive branch challenging and changing a decision of the judicial branch.

Final answer:

The executive branch's main function is administering the law. The War Powers Resolution was enacted to limit the president's power to commit troops to an undeclared war. Executive agreements differ from treaties because they do not require Senate approval. Executives' clemency powers can overturn federal court decisions, serving as a check and balance in our government.


1) The primary function for the executive branch is administering the law, so B fits well.
2) Congress enacted the War Powers Resolution in 1973 largely to limit the president's ability to commit troops to an undeclared war, thus D would be correct.
3) The difference between executive agreements and treaties lies mainly in the fact that while a treaty requires approval by the Senate, an executive agreement does not, making B the correct answer.
4) The executive powers of clemency serve as an example of checks and balances because they can overturn federal court decisions, which is stated in option A.

Learn more about Executive Branch Functions here:


Who was Hitlers wife?


Eva Braun ......................... i hope that helps :)

Eva Braun 
Eva Anna Paula Hitler was the longtime companion of Adolf Hitler and, for less than 40 hours, his wife. lol

"Which was a reason for European imperialism in the late nineteenth century?" decline in worldwide trade need for raw materials abolition of slavery discovery of gold in Africa


The need for raw materials was the reason for Imperialism by the European in the late nineteenth.

Imperialism refers to an ideology where s country's dominates and rule over others country through the use of colonization, military force etc in other to derive some benefit from the region.

The European countries during the Nineteen century practiced this ideology because they wanted to benefit from the natural resources available in the Africa, Asia, America region.

The economic reason of deriving the resources was the driving force behind the imperialism because it supported the countries both financially and economically.

Therefore, In conclusion, the Option C is correct because the need for the raw materials was the reason for the Imperialism.

Learn more about Imperialism here


Need for raw materials


The reason behind European Imperialism started because of the natural resources these European nations could get out of colonies in Africa and Asia, and America. The economic reason was the driving force behind the imperialism because it supported European countries financially and economically. European claimed territory outside Europe before their neighbor did, partly for expansion.                                                                                                                                                        

Which legacy of the ancient Greeks is important to all modern democracies?


The ancient Greeks came up with the idea of representation for the people. Although it is not like our modern ideas of equal representation for all, democracy still holds its roots in ancient Greece.
Greeks came up with the idea of democracy and was famous for this and many other things

Place these languages in order they appeared egyptians,phoenician, roman and semitic


Hey there! 

The correct order these languages appeared are: 

1. Egyptian
2. Semitic
3. Phoenicians 
4. Romans.  

Thank you!