I think that would be latin its suposse to be very hard
It all depends. Personally I would think Chinese, but I have heard that non-native speakers of English say that English is fairly tough.
Care este antonimul verbului vom culege?
vom planta ---------------------------------------
If you've located three books on a topic you're researching for an essay, the first thing you should do on appraising any of these books is?
I would say that you should look at the book's table of contents, if there is one, in order to determine whether or not this book has the information you are looking for. You normally would not have time to read each of these books through to determine whether they are useful, and reading information about the author will probably not be very helpful. The table of contents and its headings can give you a good idea of what this book will be about. Hope this helps.
examine the index because a book without a good index wasn't worth looking at.
एक ही पवन के पलनॊ में इॢलकर हम पले है॑
the answer is a movie
N 1827, which group of people declared themselves an independent nation?
It was the cherokee imdians
i wont to say Cherokee not 100 percent sure
What does the term HUMAN RIGHT mean to you?
The ability for all humans to do as they please and not be judged by their; age, gender, religion, colour, etc.
Human rights is your freedom to voice your opinion, marrying/loving who you choose, making your own religious choice, being able to make your own life decisions and many other things. Except it's pointless to list them because none of these we really have. The political leaders may boast of giving you these basic human rights but in the end... What do you have? A big fat debt to your government that they have created for your country. You'll never escape, you are trapped. Youre paying off their expenditures. You're human rights are null and void as nowadays money is > than love.