Which of the following statements best represent Fernando lloverás San Miguel’s approach to helping Puerto Rico recover from hurricane Maria?


Answer 1


im sorry just need points


new to the app

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As agriculture became entrenched in the south:A. Southern whites began to doubt the benefits of slavery.
B. the South became too dependent on one crop, limiting development.
C. entrepreneurs built new factories to meet rising consumer demand.
D. planters built plantation schools to educate enslaved workers.


As agriculture became entrenched in the South, the South became too dependent on one crop, limiting development. The correct answer is B.

The correct answer is "B"

"Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ; Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart; With good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men: Knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord, whether he be bond or free. And, ye masters, do the same things unto them, forbearing threatening: knowing that your Master also is in heaven; neither is there respect of persons with him."--Ephesians 6:5-9

Who would be MOST likely to quote this passage from the Bible?



A southern slave owner




This is a metaphor to be good to those in power. That means respect your government, teachers, and parents, despite your personal beliefs. I'm guessing a pastor would be most likely to quote this passage.


Why did hoplites demand greater political power


Hoplites demanded greater political power since they were the fighting force. Hoplites were free citizens who served as soldiers. Although they did not have sufficient military training, they were heavily relied on and were expected to take part in military campaigns whenever needed.

? What was the main aim of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787? to pay off the national debt to empower Congress to auction surplus land to stipulate how new states would be created to gradually end the slave trade in the Old Northwest


Answer: To stipulate how new states would be created.

Explanation: Northwest Ordinance was an ordinance made by government for the territories of United States which existed in north west part of USA. This Ordinance had two major aims, the primary aim of this Ordinance was to find out best way for the creation of future states in the region and the secondary am included abolishing slavery and guaranteeing some fundamental rights which eventually became a part of bill of rights in the later years.

The main aim of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 was to stipulate how new states would be created.

What was the Sepoy Rebellion


The Rebelion of Sepoy was a popular armed revolution that took place in India, between 1857 and 1859, against British domination and exploitation in its territory. This rebellion, which began violently, posed a considerable threat to British power throughout the region, and its end meant great political changes for India.

In the second half of the nineteenth century, England adopted a colonialist and imperialist policy, dominating the different regions of Africa and Asia. The British aimed to exploit the mineral resources and labor of these regions, in addition to expanding the consumer market for their industrialized producst. Several peoples or groups did not accept the abusive system and left for the reaction against the dominant forces.

The British forced the young people to participate in the Indian Army of the British East India Company. These young soldiers, who came to be known as Sepoys, had as main function to guarantee the protection of the British commerical activity in India. As the working conditions of sepoys were terrible, it brought as a consequence the development of the conflict and the Sepoys took up arms to fight against the British troops. The central and northern regions of India were the most affected by the armed conflict. In 1857 the Sepoys conquered and dominated the provinces of the central region and several important cities of northern India. The revolt ended only in 1859, when the British increased military power in the region and repressed the rebels.

the Sepoy rebellion  refers to the Indian  rebellion of 1857, wicth refers to a rebellion in India against the rule of the British east India company that may have ran from may 1857 to June 1858.the rebellion began as a mutiny of Sepoy of the east Indian Companys army on may 10 1857,in the cantonment of the town of Meerut and soon escalated into other mutinies and civilian Pradesh, Bihar, Northren Madhya Prades, Andthe Delhi region.

Which government figure was criticized for his or her role in Waco and in the investigation of the Oklahoma City bombing?a. Bill Clinton
b. Janet Reno
c. Kenneth Starr
d. Newt Gingrich


The correct answer is (a.) Bill Clinton. It was Clinton's government figure who was criticized for his role in Waco and during in the investigation of the Oklahoma City bombing. The bombing took place in Oklahoma in 1995, which lead for the U.S. Congress to pass a bill which will tighten the security and protection for the citizens.


it was janet reno.
