To divide 67,396 by 123, use Long division and the quotient is 547.
Dividends, divisors, quotients, and remainders are found in the long divisions. The large number that is divided by another number, or the divisor, in a long division problem is the dividend.
To divide 67,396 by 123, you can use long division. Start by dividing the first digit of 67,396 (6) by 123. The quotient is 0. Then, bring down the next digit (7) and divide 67 by 123. The quotient is 0 again.
Repeat this process until you have divided all the digits. The final quotient is 547. Therefore, 67,396 divided by 123 is equal to 547.
Step-by-step explanation:
3 8/9 = 3.888 (repeating)
least to greatest :
-3.98 , -3, 3 8/9, 3.9
Step-by-step explanation:
3 = 3 X 2 + 1
= 6 + 1
= 7/2
therefore, the numerator is 7 which is the figure at the upper part of the improper fraction
7 = ?
Step-by-step explanation:
3 1/2 is a mixed fraction
?/2 shows itself as an improper fraction
To have 3 1/2 turn into an improper fraction, you multiply the denominator(2) by the whole number(3)
3 x 2 = 6
With the remaining numerator, which is 1, you add it to the total product of 3 and 2, giving you 7