In the cartoon you can see one side is a Big Buisness, advertising for labor wanted so they can help keep the economy going. On the other side you see ICE with the same poster, except this time they are showing that the person is wanted, "to keep the world in their proper place." The cartoon is basically saying that the people who are needed to do labor and keep the economy going are the same immagrints that are wanted to go back to their home country. It is really push an pull.
c. dove
b. circle
d. heart
A symbol that is widely recognized as standing for peace is a dove.
The association dove/peace probably originates from the alliance described in the Old Testament.
After flooding the Earth to purify it, God made an alliance with Noah and his descendants, and promised to never flood the Earth again. When a dove returned to Noah's Ark holding an olive branch, Noah then knew it was safe to leave the Ark with his family and the animals they had saved.
B. helping verb.
C. suffix.
D. infinitive.
A. opinion
B. not an opinion
The correct answer is: not an opinion.
An opinion is a thought or belief about something that is ambigious, meaning that one can either support of reject the idea.
However, it is a fact that no matter how fast a human flaps his arms, they will never be able to fly.
When a sentence is factual, one cannot chose to agree or disagree with it. Therefore, this phrase is not an opinion, but a wrong statement.
Sir Andrew: (Jumping and clicking his heels together.) Faith, I can cut a caper! (He dances around, doing fancy steps.)
Sir Toby: Wherefore are these things hid? ...Let me see thee caper! (Sir Andrew jumps about.) Ha! Higher! Ha, ha! Excellent! (They dance offstage, roaring with laughter.)