Why do you think history fails to include the role Wentworth Cheswell played leading up to the Lexington & Concord battle?


Answer 1
Answer: Maybe because, they feel that it’s not as importer as the other battles and that maybe it didn’t effect us as much as other battles did.

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(2) increase membership in the United Nations
(3) prevent the spread of communism
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The purpose of both the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan was to (3) prevent the spread of communism. The Truman Doctrine used the the containment policy, so that the United States could support any nation with both economic and military aid if needed if its ability was threatened by Communism or the Soviet Union. The Marshall Plan was an initiative from the United States to Europe, which was economic support to help rebuild European economies after World War II.

What is one way the East India Company asserted its authority in India?


one way that the East India company asserted its authority in India is : the company collected taxes from Indian citizen.Almost all of the land owners that exist within that period were obligated to pay some sort of tax to the company. Not only that, the company require them to buy their products and generate more income for the company

the following is an example of which of the causes of technological progress government research grants


One of the finest examples that helped technology progress through the use of government research was medical. Medical care is a huge factor in maintaining the improvement of the society since workers will dwindle down in numbers if they don't get medical treatment in the best way possible, and that can be the downfall of the government itself.

Political scientist use political models to describe which of the following


Answer: Political climate

Explanation: The political climate is a political model that is used for describing opinions about political society.

  • It is usually used when someone is trying to describe opinions and moods that are changing trough the time, or some opinions that are unstable or people are not sure about them.

This term origins are dating from Middle French word climat and it is used at first to describe the weather and since around 1660 this word is using in politics.


I just took the quiz and the answer is political spectrum.

What sort of crops do the songhai empire grow


They grew domesticated plants.They grew Cassava in huge quantity.

What was Hitler thinking when he marched troops into the Rhineland in 1936? He was badly outnumbered by the French yet decided to take the gamble anyway. What do you think were the driving factors behind his decision to march on the Rhine?


Answer: I think Hitlers hunger for power and having his control where his main driving factors. History proves he would stop at nothing until he got what he wanted. He anger and hatred towards those unlike him fueled his drive,heated passion, and desire to be in control.  
