Describe the setting in which Kennedy delivers the speech


Answer 1

Final answer:

John F. Kennedy's speeches took place in diverse settings, including the first televised presidential debate with Richard Nixon, the joint session of Congress in Washington, D.C., and near the Berlin Wall in Germany. Each setting added a unique context and impact to his speeches.


John F. Kennedy delivered speeches in various settings. His first televised presidential debate occurred on September 23, 1960, against Richard Nixon, viewed by millions on TV and radio. This event marked a significant shift in how political debates were perceived, with those watching on television tending to believe that the more telegenic Kennedy was the more effective speaker.

One of his most notable speeches, though, was the "Address to Joint Session of Congress" on May 25, 1961, which took place in Washington, D.C. in the presence of the entire Congress. It was in this prestigious setting that Kennedy articulated his ambitious goals for the nation's space program.

Another memorable Kennedy speech is known as the "Ich bin ein Berliner" speech, delivered near the Berlin Wall. He used this symbolic location, where East and West were starkly divided, to declare his support for West Germany shortly after the construction of the Berlin Wall.

Learn more about Kennedy Speech Settings here:


Answer 2


United States Capitol, Washington, D.C. The inauguration of John F. Kennedy as the 35th President of the United States was held on Friday, January 20, 1961, at the East Portico of the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C. This was the 44th inauguration and marked the commencement of the only term of both John F.


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I think that the lines from the second passage refer to the praise stage of the elegy, because we can clearly see there the admiration to the personO Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;Rise up—for you the flag is flung—for you the bugle trills,For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths—for you the shores a-crowding,For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;


O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;

Rise up - for you the flag is flung - for you the bugle trills,

For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths - for you the shores a-crowding,

For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning


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Your word:  Cliche.
means : a opionon or possibly a phrase that is over used. Or creative thought was not implemented. 
hope this helps :P
an overused expression or idea

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the generals


the grandfather



The answer is  D. Wilhelmine 
What did you get as the answer???                         

What is an example of inversion in a modest proposal


Inversion refers to a grammatical construction where two expressions switch the way in which they normally appear.

One example of this in A Modest Proposal is the phrase:

".... the advantages of my proposal which I have made obvious and many as well as of the highest importance."

Firstly, inversion is a reversal of order in a sentence.  The inversion in a modest proposal can be sampled through this statement: "You know that you will benefit more for my proposal has had advantages which are quite of high importance. 

Nonverbal cues that are in sync with the verbal message will:a. b.
c. d.
Reinforce the verbal message.
Breed resentment and distrust.
Cause people to believe the nonverbal message.
Help the audience like you better


The correct answer is the first statement.
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