Cells can best be described as:A. The smallest form of matter
B. Tiny particles found in food
C. Part of the air people breathe
D. Building blocks of all living things

(Ok look I wasn’t in class the day they taught this, also it’s obviously not C so Y’know-)


Answer 1




know this for sure

Answer 2

Final answer:

Cells can best be described as the building blocks of all living things.


Cells can best be described as the building blocks of all living things. They are the smallest structural and functional units of life, responsible for carrying out essential biological processes. Every living organism is made up of one or more cells, which come in different shapes and sizes.

Learn more about Cells here:



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. Alpha Particles a. What is the mass number of an alpha particle? b. What is the identity of an alpha particle? c. What kind of charge does an alpha particle have?



Alpha particles are usually produced by alpha decay which consisted of two protons and two neutrons.

They are identical to the nucleus of helium-4.

The alpha particle is represented as α or α²⁺. In addition, as it is identical to nucleus of helium, it is also represented as He²⁺.

As it only posses two protons and two neutrons but no electrons, the overall charge of alpha particle is +2.

The mass number of an element refers to the total number of neutrons and protons in the nucleus. Hence, the mass number of alpha particle would be 4

hope it helps you 
an alpha particle is basically a helium nucleus...so it contains 2 protons and 2 neutrons. So atomic mass number is 4..I.e. 2 protons + 2 neutrons

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The situation shown consists of a picture with the sun emitting light energy; and a plant both absorbing carbon dioxide and emitting oxygen. The missing reactant in order for photosynthesis occur is water. Plants absorb water from the soil (through roots) and absorbs ligth energy from the sun (through leaves). The energy absorbed is used to split water molecules into H2 and O2. Then H2 combines with CO2 to form glucose. The answer is the option A) water.

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vesicular; larger crystals embedded within a mass of smaller crystals

porphyritic; larger crystals embedded within a mass of smaller crystals

glass; large grains of minerals


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b. endometriosis.
c. labial adhesions.
d. ectopic pregnancy.


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Why are polygenic diseases less suited to gene therapy?



Polygenic therapies are more likely to show unintended effects in other regions of the genome likely resulting in harmful diseases.


Gene therapy involves biotechnological techniques that add or remove gene sequences in the genome. These are typically used in eliminating harmful genes that cause genetic diseases or disorders and are generally thought to improve an individual's quality of life.

Polygenic traits are controlled by several genes. Similarly, polygenic diseases may be caused by variations in several gene sequences. These include hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes. Polygenic therapies are more likely to show unintended effects in other regions of the genome, leading to other deleterious disease-causing effects.