What is the historical significance of a republic


Answer 1
Answer: Republic comes from the Latin word "respublĭca" which means; "Thing publishes" or "I publish it".

In its initial consideration, the republic was considered as a form of government in which the country is conceived as something of "public" character, that is, the governors cannot establish the privatization of the country's assets. Also, the main powers within the republic could not be inherited as it happened in the monarchy, on the contrary, they should be chosen by the people.

I hope this information can help you.

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Slaves,Gold, and pepper hope i helped
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I believe the answer is:

1. they have to be extracted from the ground

(because they are made from the fossils of past organisms that buried well beneath the grown)

2. they emit carbon dioxide when burned to create electricity

( which is why these fuel tend to cause the most amount of pollution for the environment)

3. they are created through millions of years of pressure

(These resources is created from anaerobic pressure that happen for million years, which is why it considered as 'non-renewable', since people would not be able to replenish them in their lifetime)

1. they have to be extracted from the ground
2. they emit carbon dioxide when burned to create electricity
3. they are created through millions of years of pressure

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lack of credit - banks didn't have money to lend to business to fund projects or expand

the dust bowl messed up travel in the midwest, so especially building train tracks there or roads would have been difficult

no one bought their products or services.
The Dust Bowl, stock market crash, not enough food/ water, overpopulation, drought, movement west, taxes bot being payed, loans

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However, a peasant would most likely have a negative look on it because of the fact that they are the lower class and therefore are the ones that are oppressed by feudalism.

In all, feudalism is nicer to the rich and mean to the poor, so the rich, such as the Lords, like it, while the poor, such as the serfs, dont :3

Hope this helped XD