3. Read lines 2-4 in paragraph 4 (He swung wide around...). This sentence contains anexample of -


Answer 1
Answer: I don’t see the rest of the question

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PLEASE HELP FOR REAL ILL GIVE 98 POINTS AND BRAINLIESTConstruct a written analysis of approximately 300−500 words about the poem “The Cremation of Sam McGee.” Your analysis should explain how the figurative language and literary devices contribute either to the meaning or to the narrative structure— plot, setting, characterization, and point of view—of the poem. Your analysis should contain a thesis that is discussed throughout the essay. The essay should also contain textual evidence to support the analysis and a concluding paragraph. Be sure to use correct punctuation, grammar, and spelling, and write using a formal style with precise vocabulary. Use terms from the list provided below to construct your analysis.Ballad—a type of narrative poem that tells a story, usually in the form of a folktale or legendStanza—a division of a poem that consists of two or more linesDiction—the selection and use of words that influence the style and tone of the poemConnotation—the emotional suggestion or implied meaning of a word that goes beyond its dictionary definitionDenotation—the actual or dictionary definition of a wordRhythm—the recurrence of sound patterns created by a series of stressed and unstressed syllablesMeter—the pattern of beats within a line of poetry created by the rhythmic structure of stressed soundsRhyme scheme—a pattern of rhymes in poetryTone—the attitude of the poet toward the subject or readers, separate from mood or atmosphereMood—the overall or prevailing feeling that is created in a story or poemTheme—the central idea of the story that reveals something about human life or behaviorAs you write your analysis, consider these questions:What is the function of rhyme in the poem?What would the poem be like if it did not rhyme?How do the rhyme and rhythm affect or enhance the meaning of the poem?How does the use of imagery and figurative language affect the poem?How is the subject matter and conflict affected by the structure of the poem?Did I conclude my analysis clearly, supporting my analysis?
Which sentence is a run-on sentence? A. Most humans eat around 3 to 5 pounds of food every day. B. A blue whale eats up to 6,000 pounds of food per day, which is only 2 percent of its body weight. C. Elephants eat large amounts of food, they can consume 600 pounds of food in a day. D. Hummingbirds burn food quickly; they must eat two to three times their body weight every day.
Of Plymouth Plantation is considered a narrative because _____.

Which phrase defines a “special interest group” best? a group of people who work for the same company. individuals or organizations that share common concerns. individuals who share similar interests or hobbies. a group comprised of members who have won an award.


A special interest group refers to a group of people who shared interest in a particular issue. Members of such group usually work together to ensure that they get solution to the issue in which they have interest. Sometimes, such groups seek to influence government decisions in favor of their interests. For instance, a group that has interest in keeping the environment free from pollution will do all they can to ensure that the government made laws that reduce environmental pollution.  


ITS B.Individuals or organizations that share common concerns


In a Greek tragedy, the suffering of the protagonist is typically the result of some tragic mistake or fatal flaw, which is also called _____.logos


The answer here is - hamartia. "Logos" is just the way of writing, employing logical thinking. "Peripeteia" is a turning point, a reversal of circumstances. "Anagnorisis" is a moment in a play when a character makes a critical discovery. So we are left only with hamartia, which is "a personal error in the protagonist's personality that brings about his tragic downfall".

The answer is A. Logos

Read this passage from Alan Weisman's "The City Without Us":He props his running shoe against the whitish bark of a Chinese Amur cork tree, growing among the last of the hemlocks. "This may sound blasphemous, but maintaining biodiversity is less important than maintaining a functioning ecosystem. What matters is that soil is protected, that water gets cleaned, that trees filter the air, that a canopy regenerates new seedlings to keep nutrients from draining away into the Bronx River."

Now read this passage from Jared Diamond's "The Ends of the World as We Know Them":

Both the shoguns and the Japanese peasants took a long-term view: the former expected to pass on their power to their children, and the latter expected to pass on their land. . . . Today, despite having the highest human population density of any large developed country, Japan is more than 70 percent forested.

What common theme of green literature is most strongly evident in both passages?

A. In order to thrive in coming centuries, people must find viable alternatives to fossil fuels, such as coal.
B. With careful and intelligent management, ecosystems can still thrive after human beings have changed them.
C. In order meet their goals, environmentalists must help people develop a personal desire to protect nature.
D. There is no excuse for damaging the natural world, and anyone who does so will pay a steep price.


I believe the correct answer is: B. With careful and intelligent management, ecosystems can still thrive after human beings have changed them.

Both of these passages talk about the importance of maintaining and taking care of the ecosystem: the first one deals with the priorities in preserving nature; and the second one puts Japanese people as an example to follow in terms of protecting the environment.

Answer:I believe the correct answer is: B. With careful and intelligent management, ecosystems can still thrive after human beings have changed them.

Both of these passages talk about the importance of maintaining and taking care of the ecosystem: the first one deals with the priorities in preserving nature; and the second one puts Japanese people as an example to follow in terms of protecting the environment.

What exactly is the milky way?


It called a galaxy, there are more galaxies in the universe. It's were planets and all are. Milky Way is a galaxy where our Solar System is and and all. Btw, Milky Way is also a candy.
It is in space and is the place where the planets that we know are.

Which of the following are types of context clues? Select all that apply.atmosphere
personal experience


The correct answers are D, E , and F.

A context clue is a hint given by the author to help readers infer the meaning of a difficult word.

He can do this through explanation, by spelling out the meaning in direcly.

He can resort to personal experience, to call upon background knowledge and help the reader infer the meaning of the unfamiliar word.

Or he help the reader understand the meaning by restating the word with familiar vocabulary.

Context clues are words that are used to help understand and define certain difficult words used in an article or story. Types of context clues include: Explanation, Restatement, Personal Experience, and Derivation or Inference.

Which personal pronoun agrees with its antecedent and correctly completes the sentence? Each of the library books was placed in __________ correct location.
a. our
b. its
c. your



Each of the library books is placed in its correct location.

its refers to each of the library books.

A personal pronoun is a pronoun primarily associated with a particular grammatical person. It may refer to people, object, or animals.

The grammatical person may be first person, second person, or third person.

The personal pronoun "its" denotes the use of third person in a singular form. 

cant be our because that is the possession of people and your cant be right because thats also the possession of a person instead of a thing so has to be B.its
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How does Tolstoy set up Gerasim to be a foil to Praskovya Fedorovna in these two excerpts from The Death of Ivan Ilyich?Gerasim alone did not lie; everything showed that he alone understood the facts of the case and did not consider it necessary to disguise them, but simply felt sorry for his emaciated and enfeebled master. Once when Ivan Ilyich was sending him away he even said straight out: "We shall all of us die, so why should I grudge a little trouble?"—expressing the fact that he did not think his work burdensome, because he was doing it for a dying man and hoped someone would do the same for him when his time came. . . . When the examination was over the doctor looked at his watch, and then Praskovya Fedorovna announced to Ivan Ilyich that it was of course as he pleased, but she had sent today for a celebrated specialist who would examine him and have a consultation with Michael Danilovich (their regular doctor). "Please don't raise any objections. I am doing this for my own sake," she said ironically, letting it be felt that she was doing it all for his sake and only said this to leave him no right to refuse. He remained silent, knitting his brows. He felt that he was surrounded and involved in a mesh of falsity that it was hard to unravel anything. a)Both Gerasim and Praskovya Fedorovna are honest about their motives, but only Gerasim genuinely cares for Ivan Ilyich. b)While Gerasim is kind to Ivan Ilyich and offers him all the help he can, Praskovya Fedorovna is cruel to Ivan and torments him. c)Gerasim attends to Ivan Ilyich’s needs and gives him all his medicines, while Praskovya Fedorovna does not care and neglects his health. d)Both Gerasim and Praskovya Fedorovna want Ivan to beat his disease and survive, but only Gerasim cares about Ivan Ilyich’s happiness.