walking is an easy and safe exercise for beginners
the story might start saying that walking is not fun but throughout the text it is applying that its an easy was to exercise and stay safe
Both dogwoods and oak trees drop __________ leaves seasonally.
I think it's either A or B.
Hope is a thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the song without the words
And never stops at all,
What is the implied theme of this poem?
It represents Strength In Hope because it show us that it will continue being strong no matter what tries to stop its song.
Answer: Hope is like a bird. It can fly. It is strong and poses in our sole. It can be growing and growing and it will never die.
The author uses a metaphor to tell us that love can be something very strong and it will never stop.
This simile shows that she sees the annex as an oasis in the middle of the desert. Everything inside the annex is good and nice whereas the world around them is falling into chaos and I think she sees that its only a matter of time before the fear of being taken to a camp become a reality. The menacing clouds signify fear and ominousness
Describethe work, its context and purpose.
The work is“This change Everything” by Naomi Klein. It is a nonfiction book that detailsthe recent years if the journalist diving into the subject of climate changeand sustainable development. Its purpose is to expose tactics use by economicsubject and to actively propose a new way of living, one that is more inresonance with the planet.
Explain whyit stuck with you.
It stuckwith me because it is compelling, detailed and mind-blowing. It explain thethem with clarity and without reserves, and it explains also the causes, thereasons the behind the scenes that we usually don’t have access too. Moreover,it forces you to deal with the subject on a very personal level.
Use thatpiece to explain how nonfiction compares to other types of writing. Considerelements that are shared across types of writing and elements that aredifferent in nonfiction.
Whilenon-fiction tells a story, exactly like fiction story, the story thatnon-fiction tells it is often based on real event and has a significance in theway it is told. There is also a language more pragmatic, focused on the actionmore than the characters. The style is more direct and often journalistic.
Whatelevates a nonfiction article in a magazine into a work of literature?
The abilityof the writer to compelled, engage and create an audience. The way the author tell the story, no matterwhat it is telling. The emotion behind the written piece, and the way that theauthor can emphasize its message and what it want to pass at its audience.
What allowsa piece written for a specific informative, persuasive, or other purpose toemerge as something more enduring?
The style,the language are relevant in this process, but I think that the best thing isthe ability of the writer of give life to its text. To make word, situation andactions come to life. Ultimate, just like for fiction, it is the ability of thewriter to engage and make people feel what he/she want us to feel.