What role can you play to provide health education to a communtiy?​


Answer 1


As the definition of health education suggests, the primary role of the health education specialist is to facilitate the learning process and help the individual or community to make informed decisions about health/ disease issues.

Hope this helped :))))

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B. emotional appeals

Emotional appeals are methods of persuasion intended to evoke an emotional response. Safety and self-actualization are driving motivators in our lives. When they are threatened or encouraged, this elicits an emotional response. Emotional appeals can be used to manipulate others into reacting a certain way. In debate, orators use emotional appeals to persuade listeners. By threatening or codifying a person's most basic emotional desires, you can often manipulate them into choosing a side that appeals to their emotional comfort. Advertising agencies also use emotional appeals in order to persuade people into purchasing products.

Final answer:

Safety and self-actualization are examples of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. They can also be deemed persuasive appeals if used to influence others by addressing their psychological needs.


Safety and self-actualization are examples of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which are part of the component known as psychological needs. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a psychological theory proposed by Abraham Maslow that places human needs in a pyramid structure, starting with basic needs at the bottom. Safety is part of the basic needs, including physiological needs like food and water. Conversely, self-actualization is at the top of the pyramid, indicating the highest level of development and fulfillment a person can achieve.

Therefore, none of the options in the question directly correspond to the concept of safety and self-actualization. However, it could be argued that they can fall under c. persuasive appeals if used in a bor argument to persuade someone by addressing their basic and highest psychological needs.

Learn more about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs here:



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If Rita is a dietician who is registered, the majority of her job duties include writing individualized meal plans for people who come to her office. She most likely receives peoples with different types of illnesses or issues which need help in the form of a better diet. That is why Rita is there for. She provides them with the best uess on what should their individualized diet look like for their condition. 


yup what he said∧    


Adopting positive strategies to manage emotions will lead to too much stress.


False. It should lead to de-stressing you. 


It is false guys


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it is called communicating well

Which of the following is NOT an existing law, policy, or practice enacted with regard to tobacco use?a. increased taxes on tobacco products
b. increased prices of tobacco products
c. warning labels on tobacco products
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The answer is D. Banning the sale of Tobacco products

Even though they create a dangerous health risk, Tobacco products still fall under recreational drugs category.

In order for the government to reduce the usage of Tobacco Products, they increase the taxes and the prices so it will be expensive for either the seller and the buyer.

The answer is D. banning the sale of tobacco products